International online conference KILAC-2021: COVID—(r)evolution in legal aid

2020 was a year of radical change for public and legal services. It presented problems that have never been seen before, and in doing so provided powerful impetus for change, leading to a de facto revolution in the sector. As of now, both Ukrainian actors and the international community have accumulated a vast amount of empirical data on how to approach such changes and, just as importantly, how not to approach them.

To discuss that diverse experience and to cooperate on adapting international practices to national contexts, we propose to gather online on 4-5 March 2021 for KILAC-2021: COVID—(r)evolution in legal aid.

The event is supported by the Digital Solutions for Improved Access to Justice in Ukraine initiative, which is part of the UNDP Human Rights for Ukraine Project. The initiative is being implemented with financial support from the Global Programme on Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights for Sustaining Peace and Fostering Development.

Participants will not only be able to listen to key national and international experts, but they will also be able to share their own experiences on the event’s main and parallel panel discussions. The results of this joint work will contribute both to strategic planning in the sector and to advocating for best practices – nationally and worldwide.

To register, please fill in the form:

Registration form  (UKR)

Registration form  (ENG)

Participation is free of charge.

In 2019 Ukraine held the First Kyiv International Legal Aid Conference (KILAC), which attracted more than 300 participants from eight different countries, who shared and learned about successful practices in ensuring effective access to justice and the organization of legal aid provision.

This year’s KILAC-2021: COVID—(r)evolution in legal aid international conference aims to continue that international cooperation.

Please check below the agenda of the international conference KILAC-2021: COVID—(r)evolution in legal aid

4 March 2021


Welcoming word


Justice in the world of COVID-19


Quality and accessible legal aid in times of change




Explanation of the working process in the parallel panels

 (parallel panels)

Challenges of low mobility: accessing remote and hard-to-reach clients

Legal enlightenment and outreach during the pandemic.

Peer review: ensuring a balance of interests

 (parallel panels)

Broad front: cooperation with volunteers, paralegals and activists

Advancing legal aid through digital tools.

Unified quality standards for legal aid providers: utopia or a real possibility?

5 March 2020


Presentation of the parallel panels’ results


More than legal aid: integration of additional services into legal aid systems


Inter-service cooperation: one-stop shops and single windows in legal aid.

To each their own: the importance of civil society in legal aid

Building bridges: legal aid as a mediator for legal communities


Alternative dispute resolution as the future of legal aid



 (parallel panels)

Mediation and legal aid

Judicially assisted dispute resolution

Restorative justice – effective justice


Presentation of the parallel panels’ results


Final remarks and conclusions

The event is supported by the Digital Solutions for Improved Access to Justice in Ukraine initiative, which is part of the UNDP Human Rights for Ukraine Project, with financial support from the Global Programme on Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights for Sustaining Peace and Fostering Development.

For more information, please contact