Energy Efficiency and Environment

UNDP contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation and development towards a low-emission and climate-resilient economy by removing policy bottlenecks, developing market mechanisms, and assisting municipalities in implementing energy-efficient solutions. UNDP supports the government and parliament of Ukraine in drawing up quality legislation on sustainable energy and environmental issues, and works with the government and private sector on meeting Ukraine’s obligations under the Montreal Protocol.
Climate Change Mitigaion
UNDP focuses on advancing energy efficiency measures in public buildings through the ESCO modality, and increasing the use of sustainable agricultural biomass as a fuel for municipal heating. UNDP supports Ukraine in meeting the provisions of the Montreal Protocol and implementing local-level climate-change mitigation measures.
Key Facts
As a result of UNDP's technical support, the city of Zhytomyr (population of 266,936 people) now derives 95 percent of its energy for heating from biomass boilers. Biomass development was proposed by the government of Ukraine to be the only specific renewable energy area to receive support from the international community – $7 million has already been mobilized. This is attributed largely to UNDP's advocacy at the national level.
Some 63 tonnes of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) have been eliminated from the production cycle of the biggest ODS consumer in the country (Polyfoam Ltd.) through a complete technical overhaul at the company. This achievement brings Ukraine into closer compliance with the provisions of the Montreal Protocol through stabilizing and then progressively reducing HCFC consumption.
Private energy-saving companies received over $700,000 in commercial bank loans for energy efficiency solutions for public buildings through a new financial support mechanism set up by UNDP.
CO2 emissions are reduced by over 7,900 tonnes annually in pilot public buildings through improved energy efficiency measures, including proper energy management in over 587 public buildings in 10 cities and 48 villages in Ukraine, contracts with private energy-saving companies, and the use of modern bioenergy technologies in municipal heating across Ukrainian municipalities.
Over 2 million cubic meters of water has been replenished after cleaning work at four water reservoirs and two hydrotechnical installations in Nyzhin Rayon (Chernihiv Oblast), which increased the level of ground water to 1.5 meters. This reduced the risk of peat fires, and improved air quality for over 100,000 men, women and children in nearby territories, while preserving a key ecosystem on more than 6,000 hectares of land.
Environmental Governance
UNDP supports the parliament of Ukraine in developing legislation on sustainable energy and environmental issues, monitors policy impact, and raises awareness of the government and general public about the urgency of environmental action.
The parliament of Ukraine has improved its capacity to develop evidence-based legislation on sustainable energy and environmental issues, such as the law on Electric Vehicles, which is expected to increase the size of the market for electric transport by ten times, reducing emissions and air pollution. Parliament received UNDP expert support in the preparation of 30 draft laws and strategies, along with the 193 analytical documents on sustainability issues and promoting the green agenda.
A draft law on reducing the use of plastic bags was submitted to parliament following effective communication outreach organized by UNDP, uniting over 100 partners around the country, including the biggest retailers, CSOs, opinion leaders, and government representatives. All took specific measures to reduce single-use plastic consumption.
Over 4,600 environmental impact assessments, screened by government experts, are now open to public scrutiny through an innovative registry, allowing communities to stop environmentally damaging economic activities.