UNDP launches workshops for Turkmenistan's private sector on climate risks and adaptation
June 7, 2024

UNDP launches workshops for Turkmenistan's private sector on climate risks and adaptation
Ashgabat, 7 June 2024: The project “Developing a National Adaptation Planning Process in Turkmenistan” (NAP) implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the financial support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan launched a series of workshops for representatives of the private sector of Turkmenistan on the issues of climate risks and adaptation.
The overall aim of the series is to build the knowledge base and capabilities of Turkmenistan’s private sector on the risks and impacts of climate change, as well as on the options and opportunities that foster adaptation actions.
“The Central Asian region is becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change as warmer temperatures and more volatile weather conditions disrupt ecosystems and increase the frequency of extreme droughts, floods, heatwaves and wildfires,” – noted Maya Ashirova, Manager of the UNDP NAP project. “The poorest countries and the most vulnerable households are likely to face the worst impacts of climate change, including loss of livelihoods and environmental degradation. According to study carried out by the World Bank, unless action is taken, economic losses from droughts and floods in Central Asia are projected to range up to 1.3% of GDP per year, and crop yields are expected to decrease by 30% by 2050. UNDP in Turkmenistan recognizes that bridging the gap in adaptation financing will require significant private sector investment and engagement”.
The series of events included workshops “Climate Agenda: Features of Climate Risks and Water Security” and “Relevance of Climate Change for the Private Sector in Turkmenistan," which were held in Ashgabat and Dashoguz from June 3 to 7, 2024.

The workshops addressed key aspects of climate change, climate risks, and their impact on water resources and security. The participants discussed the importance of climate change and water security for Turkmenistan's private sector.
The primary target groups are representatives from the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, as well as academia and civil society interested in private sector engagement in adaptation measures. Six rounds of workshops will be held in Ashgabat and the Dashoguz region.
The workshop programme is based on an analysis of current needs and an assessment of the level of awareness in the private sector of Turkmenistan. It also explores opportunities for integrating best practices, technologies, and lessons learned from other countries.