Global Climate Change Alliance Plus GCCA+
Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+)
The GCCA+ project is funded by the European Union and aims to increase Trinidad and Tobago's resilience to climate change by introducing renewable energy as an energy source for electricity generation, thereby contributing to energy security while reducing the use of fossil fuel-based electricity both environmentally and economically. This will successfully contribute to Trinidad and Tobago's National Determined Contribution (NDC) to reduce carbon emissions by 15% through the year 2030.

Specific Outcomes
An open call in 2020 attracted 164 applications from organizations across Trinidad and Tobago for the installation of small-scale roof mounted solar PV systems. Applications were subjected to a rigorous technical evaluation that resulted in the shortlisting of twelve (12) sites that are representative of a cross-section of non-governmental, community-based, and environmental conservation organizations.
The purpose of the installations which were launched in 2023, is to promote public awareness about renewable energy by demonstrating the use of solar energy as a renewable energy alternative to fossil fuel-based electricity. The project is also in the process of installing solar PV systems at an additional six (6) sites, which are expected to be completed by February 2025.
Specific Outcomes
- Installation of solar energy systems in public utilities and remote communities with the increased capacity to maintain solar power systems will contribute to building up technical expertise and improve awareness on the benefits and potential of renewable energy.
- All 12 installations have been completed and have been formally handed over to the relevant beneficiaries after obtaining the required regulatory approvals. Of these eight, four are in remote off-grid locations with no connectivity to the national electricity system. The total installed capacity of these installations is 108 kW.
- 6 more installations are underway which is expected to add an additional 30kW of solar PV power.
- The solar installations mean that they finally have a continuous power supply that is environmentally superior and cheaper than the national gas-based electricity supply.
- Support to the implementation of the new, Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency-conducive policy, legislative and regulatory framework. This component will aim at maximizing the opportunities available to develop and implement appropriate policy measures and remove gaps in current policies.
- The project has provided technical assistance for the operationalization of the new, Renewable Energy (RE)/Energy Efficiency (EE)–conducive policy, legislative and regulatory framework.
- Technical assistance was also provided to the Ministry of Energy in the form of a Feed-in-Tariff Implementation Plan and a Draft Renewable Energy Policy with Action Plans to assist the government in its energy transition.
- Public awareness-raising on energy efficiency, correct pricing and renewable energy will seek to address the lack of awareness on the benefits of using renewable energy and adopting energy efficiency.
- The results of the Baseline Survey were published, highlighting the public’s perception of RE, EE, and Energy Pricing, of which a communications campaign with targeted messaging was developed.
- In October 2024 a Public Awareness-Raising Campaign on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency was launched.

Fast Facts
Value of Project: USD2.66 million
Duration: 72 months
Donor: European Union
Implementing Partner: UNDP
Sponsor: Ministry of Planning and Development
Key Messages
Solar power for the people; Good for your pocket, better the planet, be energy efficient, Saves energy
Key Documents
Project Team Members
Rosemary Lall (Programme Officer)
Kiran Harnanan (Project Manager)
Leanna Bahadur (Project Assistant)
Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) is a European Union flagship initiative aimed at helping the world's most vulnerable countries to address climate change. This EU initiative helps mainly Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) increase their resilience to climate change.
For More Information
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to either of our focal points:
Kiran Harnanan, GCCA+ Project Manager
📧 Email: kiran.harnanan@undp.org
📞 Phone: (868) 733-0444
Leanna Bahadur, GCCA+ Project Assistant
📧 Email: leanna.ria.bahadur@undp.org
📞 Phone: (868) 394-7422