Empowering Law Enforcement Agencies to Combat Cybercrime and Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste
Specialized Training Launched for Law Enforcement Agencies
July 22, 2024
Dili, 22/July/2024 – Today, the Joint UN Programme, Hamutuk ba Igualdade, funded by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), launched a specialized capacity-building training on gender and cybercrime investigation for the Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG), the National Police (PNTL), and the Public Defender's Office (PDO).
The tailored training, organized by the UNDP Access to Justice Project and delivered by the Korean National Police University (KNPU), will run from July 22nd to July 26th in Dili, Timor-Leste. The event was launched by H.E. Shin Mantaek, the 10th Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Timor-Leste, Sra. Younhwa Kang, Country Director of Korea International Cooperation Agency, Dr. Alfonso Lopez, Prosecutor General of the Republic, Dr. Cancio Xavier, Public Defender General, Sr. Joao Belo dos Reis, Superintendent Chief of Criminal Investigation from PNTL, and Sra. Adeline Carrier, Deputy Resident Representative for UNDP Timor-Leste.
Thirty participants, ten from each government institution, will gain comprehensive knowledge of cybercrime investigation methodologies, digital forensics, and best practices in handling cyber evidence, enhancing their capacity to respond to Gender-Based Violence (GBV). “Our project aims to enhance responses to gender-based violence in Timor-Leste by empowering law enforcement and justice institutions to tackle challenges such as cybercrimes, sexual offenses, and domestic violence. This training is essential in strengthening the capacity of Timorese law enforcement and justice institutions, promoting equality, justice, and the rule of law, and creating an environment of accountability for perpetrators,” Stated Adeline Carrier, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Timor-Leste.
Building on the successful training in 2023, this year’s training aims to further equip participants with the additional skills necessary for this emerging digital society, including those entrusted with protecting the rights of Timorese citizens. The program has been well-received and reflects a strong bilateral commitment to justice and law enforcement enhancement.
This training not only improves the investigative capabilities of authorities but also fosters a more compassionate and supportive environment for survivors of GBV, promoting their rights and safety within the justice system. By equipping law enforcement and justice institutions with specialized skills in handling virtual GBV crimes, we empower survivors to come forward without fear of stigma or retribution.
We reaffirm our dedication to supporting initiatives that strengthen the capacity and collaboration of Timor-Leste justice and law enforcement institutions. Through such partnerships, we can advance towards a more effective and inclusive system that upholds the principles of equality, justice, and the rule of law.
Contact Information: For media inquiries, please contact: media.tl@undp.org or Nelson Philomeno Rego De Jesus, Access to Justice Project Manager, UNDP, nelson.philomeno.rego.de.jesus@undp.org
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