E-Learning Modules in National Language "Tetun" Launched to Public Servants in Municipalities

March 29, 2023

Launching of E-Learning Coursera Course

@UNDP TL/Decentralization Project

Dili, 28 March 2023

The Ministry of State Administration (MSA) and UNDP Timor-Leste jointly launched the e-learning platform namely BELE (Bele Esplora Liu-husi Eletróniku) through the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platform to municipal public servants. This initiative is jointly supported by two projects: Strengthening Integral Local Development (Decentralization), co-financed by European Union in Timor-Leste and UNDPand Safeguarding Rural Communities and their Physical Assets from Climate-Induced Disasters project, funded by Green Climate Fund (GCF). 

The e-learning platform was launched by the Ministry of State Administration (MSA) and UNDP Timor-Leste, through the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platform to municipal public servants.


“Coursera, the most significant open online course provider, has allowed 518 public servants access to its advanced courses and created a platform for e-learning. In addition, it will help build the capacity of national institutions to host and manage e-learning in the future.” In the remark of UNDP Resident Representative, Ms. Munkhtuya Altangerel. 

There are seven courses to be launched on this platform. Out of the five courses (Communicating effectively in the group, Foundation of diversity and inclusion, Effective Engagement in Civil Society, introduction to GIS mapping and Climate change), two were locally developed by the Institute of Business (IoB), namely on gender mainstreaming and technology, information and communication (TIC).

By launching these modular courses today, we hope that the municipal civil servants will begin their participation in the courses at a suitable time. We hope that this initiative will help public servants in the municipalities to improve their skills and knowledge and the citizens of Timor-Leste to have access to better services, which is the final aim of our programs” further mentioned by the Ambassador of the European Union to Timor-Leste, H.E. Mr. Marc Fiedrich in his remark.


The e-learning is going to standardize the skills development of public servants, reduce the cost involved in delivering face-to-face training, sustain the capacity-building support measures, and provide a flexible learning environment to the municipal staff. In the first phase, to overcome resistance from learners, e-learning will be combined with face-to-face learning, “e-learning training is an important innovation that reduces the costs of face-to-face training. This project has the potential to increase the democratization of digital learning among civil servants” said the Director General of Administrative Decentralization (MSA) in his remark representing the Minister of State Administration.


The training courses, being translated and locally developed, will benefit 518 public servants in 12 municipalities. 


For more information please contact:

Bruno Lencastre, bruno.lencastre@undp.org, +670 7734 5133

Jehangir KhanJehangir.khan@undp.org, +670 7772 9826

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Tetum Version


Módulu E-Learning iha Lian Tetun Lansa-ona ba Funsionáriu Públiku iha Munisipiu sira


Dili, 28 Marsu 2023, Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) no UNDP Timor-Leste hamutuk lansa-ona Plataforma online ho naran BELE (Bele Esplora Liu-husi Eletroniku) liu-husi Plataforma MOOC ba funsionáriu públiku sira. Inisiativa ida ne’e ho apoiu hamutuk entre projetu rua (2): Haforsa Dezenvolvimentu Lokál Integradu (Desentralizasaun) ne’ebé mak ko-finansia husi União Europeia iha Timor-Leste no UNDP nas mós Salvaguarda Komunidade Rural no Sira-nia Beins Fíziku husi Dezastre Klimátika ne’ebé mak hetan fundu husi Fundu Verde ba Klima (GCF).


Plataforma e-learning ne’e lansa-ona husi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal no UNDP iha Timor-Leste iha tinan-kotuk 2022 liu-husi Plataforma MOOC ne’e ba funsionáriu públiku sira iha munisipiu.

“Coursera, nu’udar fornesidor kursu online ida ne’ebé boot, permiti funsionáriu públiku nain 518 atu asesu ba kursu sira ne’ebé avansadu no kria Plataforma ida ba e-learning nian. Liután, sei ajuda harii kapasidade husi instituisaun nasionál sira atu sai nain no jere e-learning ne’e iha future.” Iha diskursu husi Reprezentante Rezidente UNDP nian, Sra. Munkhtuya Altangerel. 


Hamutuk iha módulu ba formasaun hitu (7) ne’ebé mak sei lansa iha Plataforma ne’e. Husi kursu lima (5) ne’e iha (Komunikasaun Efikáz iha Grupu, Fundasaun ba Diversidade no Inkluzaun, Envolvimentu Efikáz iha Sosiedade Sivil, Introdusaun ba mapeamentu GIS nian no Mudansa Klimátika, kursu rua (2) seluk ne’ebé mak dezenvolve lokalmente husi Institute of Business (IoB) mak integrasaun jéneru no Teknolojia, Informasaun no Komunikasaun (TIK).

“Liu-husi lansamentu husi módulu kursu sira iha ohin-loron, ami hein katak funsionáriu públiku iha munisipiu sira sei hahú sira-nia partisipasaun iha kursu sira ne’e iha tempu oportunu. Ami hein katak inisiativa ida ne’e sei ajuda funsionáriu públiku sira iha munisipiu atu hadi’ak sira-nia abilidade no koñesimentu no sidadaun sira iha Timor-Leste atu hetan asesu di’ak liután, ne’ebé sei serve objetivu final husi ami-nia programa sira” ne’ebé mensiona husi Emabixadór União Europeia ba Timor-Leste, Sua Excia Sr. Marc Fiedrich iha ninia diskursu. 


Objetivu E-learning ne’e sei padroniza dezenvolvimentu abilidade husi funsionáriu públiku sira, hein katak funsionáriu públiku sira sei hahú sira-nia partisipasaun iha formasaun ne’e iha momentu oportunu, sustentabilidade husi medida harii kapasidade no fornese ambiente aprendizajen ida ne’ebé fleksivel ba funsionáriu municipal sira. Iha faze primeiru, atu rezolve rezisténsia husi formandu sira, mak e-learning ne’e sei kombina ho aprendizajen oin-ho-oin (tatap muka).


“E-learning mak inovasaun importante atu redúz kustu formasaun oin-oin (tatap-muka). Projetu ida ne’e iha poténsia atu hasa’e demokratizasaun husi aprendizajen dijitál entre funsionáriu públiku sira” dehan Diretór Jerál Desentralizasaun Administrative (DGDA) Sr. Belarmino Neves iha ninia diskursu.


Kursu ba formasaun ne’e tradúz no dezenvolve-ona lokalmente, sei benefisia funsionáriu públiku hamutuk 518 iha munisipiu 12.


Ba informasaun klean-liután bele kontaktu:

Bruno Lencastre, bruno.lencastre@undp.org, +670 7734 5133

Jehangir KhanJehangir.khan@undp.org, +670 7772 9826

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