300 First-time Voters and Students joined UNDP’s event “JOVEN VOTA” for the Parliamentary Election 2023
May 10, 2023

The youth event “JOVEN VOTA” was successfully completed with about 300 first-time voters and students.
Dili, 05/05/2023 –The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Covid-Resilient Elections in Timor-Leste (CORE-TL) project, funded by the Government of Japan, conducted a youth event “JOVEN VOTA” with 300 first-time voters and students for the Parliamentary Election 2023.
On May 5th, UNDP’s youth event “JOVEN VOTA” was held at the TVE studio in Dili, attended by H.E. Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste Mr. KIMURA Tetsuya, President of CNE Dr. Jose Pereira Belo, Director General of STAE Mr. Acilino Manuel Branco, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Funmi Balogun, and UNDP Resident Representative Ms. Munkhtuya Altangerel.
The target of this event is local students, especially first-time voters, to promote their knowledge and participation in the upcoming Parliamentary Election 2023, as the youth make up most of the population with 62 percent of Timorese being under the age of 25.
The critical role of youth in the upcoming election was underlined by UNDP Resident Representative Ms. Munkhtuya Altangerel, saying, "Your vote influences policies responding to challenges in political, social, and economic life for young people. As in the last 20 years since the restoration of independence, next young leaders are expected to drive this nation towards consolidation of political, economic, and social agenda in the coming years. We keep supporting to promoting inclusive and informative elections in Timor-Leste to leave no one behind.”
“The upcoming parliamentary elections and the subsequent 9th Constitutional Government will be critical for the country’s future and the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda as well as the long-term priorities of the National Strategic Plan of Timor-Leste. We, the United Nations in Timor-Leste, will continue being with you each step of the way to realize the future the Timorese people deserve future with resilient and accountable institutions, strong food security, advanced education, and health systems, and empowered youth who have dignified jobs, employment, and political leadership” emphasized UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Funmi Balogun.
Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste H.E. Mr. KIMURA Tetsuya motivated the youth to exercise their political rights in the parliamentary election by stating: “I cannot overemphasize the importance of voting in the election. It is your right, an opportunity to express your choice for your country, and also a civic duty. It is particularly important for young people and persons with disability to participate in the election, as it is young people like you who will be responsible for the future of Timor-Leste, and the voice of those with a disability must be heard,”
In cooperation with STAE, CNE, and the Government of Japan, the UNDP CORE-TL project ensures safe, informative, and inclusive elections at the national and municipal levels.

The students learned about the electoral process and essential information about the upcoming Parliamentary Election 2023.