Promotion of social and economic opportunities for women and youth in Zerafshan Valley of Tajikistan


Promotion of social and economic opportunities for women and youth in Zerafshan Valley of Tajikistan

The Project is funded by the Government of the Russian Federation at the amount of US$ 1.7 million with the duration of July 2017- December 2019. Target districts of the Projects are Ayni and Kuhistoni Mastchoh of Sughd Region. The Project aims to enhance welfare and economic resilience of Zerafshan Valley population.

Status: Active
Duration: July 2017 - December 2019
Budget: US$ 1.7 million
Coverage: Ayni and Kuhistoni Mastchoh districts
Beneficiaries: Rural women and young people
Focus Area: Improved access to decent jobs, education and health, entrepreneurship development 
Partners: Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan and Local district administration
Project Document: Download