Dushanbe, December 17, 2020 – The signing ceremony for a new UNDP project “Accelerating Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery through Improved Livelihood, Employability, and Regional Cooperation in Ferghana Valley” took place today at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.
The Government of the Russian Federation has allocated 2 million US dollars for the implementation of the project designed to improve livelihoods, develop entrepreneurship in rural areas of Fergana Valley of Tajikistan, as well build up cross-border cooperation with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, exchange of best practices between Central Asian countries.
The ceremony was followed by steering committee meetings of other UNDP projects “Strengthening Communities in Khatlon Rasht Valley of Tajikistan” and “Youth for Business and Innovation” also funded by the Government of the Russian Federation. Members of the committee summarized achieved results and outlined work plans for 2021.
Mr. Abdurakhmon Abdurakhmonzoda, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Igor Semenovich Lyakin-Frolov, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Tajikistan, Ms. Pratibha Mehta, Resident Representative, UNDP Tajikistan and Ms. Khurshedai Kodir, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan took part at meeting.
“Russia is a strategic partner of Tajikistan in long-term development of the republic. Our new joint project with UNDP in Fergana Valley is an important part of the multidimensional support that the Russian Federation provides to Tajik friends for the response to coronavirus infection,” Ambassador of Russian Federation to Tajikistan Igor Lyakin-Frolov said.
“Tajikistan remains exposed to multiple social, economic and climate-related risks, which in 2020 have been exacerbated by COVID19 impact. Therefore, UNDP works closely with the government of Tajikistan and international partners, including the Russian Federation, to mobilize the resources to support sustainable development of the republic in a pandemic. We continue our promote livelihoods, empower youth and women across the country to build capacity for sustainable business ideas, raise financing to not only help create job opportunities but improve local economy, develop entrepreneurial and innovative mindset among the younger generation” said Dr. Pratibha Mehta.
The contribution of the Russian Federation to the development of the Republic of Tajikistan through projects implemented by the United Nations Development Program in Tajikistan has been about 15 million dollars since 2014. Due to support from Russian Federation alone, more than several hundred jobs were created, and more than 15 thousand people benefitted through entrepreneurship, employment opportunities, and improved access to economic infrastructure and social services.