Statement by Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, on the report by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

September 17, 2021

The UNFCCC Synthesis report published today is a stark reminder of how much remains to be done to avert a climate crisis. And time is not on our side.

An increase of emissions puts the world on a dangerous pathway that will cost lives and livelihoods everywhere.

Yet in recent years, more and more countries have shown that there is hope. The report also indicates that the more recent climate pledges made by countries are more ambitious and inclusive.

UNDP supports 119 countries to enhance their pledges under the Paris Agreement. We have seen ambition on the front lines – countries putting forward bold energy targets, protecting nature, and increasing resilience to climate shocks.

Transformation is possible, but we all must do more. We have no time to lose.

Ahead of the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, I echo the calls made by the United Nations Secretary-General for all countries to take the action necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.