National Strategy for Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women in the Family and in Intimate Partner Relationship

National Strategy for Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women in the Family and in Intimate Partner Relationship

May 26, 2017

Through joint efforts of civic organizations and government agencies large steps have been made in creating the agenda and mechanisms to prevent violence and protect victims.

According to media reporting, domestic violence is the most common form of violence in our society, according to data of women’s CSOs, more than 50% of women have experienced some form of domestic or partner violence.

Our government begins solving the problem of domestic violence in a systematic way by implementing the project “Combating Sexual and Gender Based Violence” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The realization of the project has been enabled by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway, with the expertise and technical cooperation and support in ensuring the fulfilment of international standards by UNDP. Within the project, on April 1, 2011 the National Strategy for Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women in the Family and in Intimate Partner Relationship was adopted.

By adopting the Strategy the necessary framework for solving this problem with the synergic action of all actors involved in this area has been set up. Also, tasks and deadlines have been determined that will ensure efficiency in the work of institutions and lead to tangible results and benefits to victims of domestic violence and of intimate partner violence. Implementation of the activities and accomplishment of the objectives outlined in the Strategy move Serbia ever closer to the European standards for solving this problem, and we hope to combat as much as possible the occurrence of violence against women.

Document Type
Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals