Integrated Response to Violence against Women and Girls in Serbia - Phase II
About the Project:
Violence against women and girls is a consequence of gender inequalities deeply rooted in the patriarchal norms and unbalanced power relations and it is a mechanism through which gender inequalities are established and maintained.
In 2016 Serbia will have to initiate a new strategic phase in promoting gender equality, since the main strategies have expired in 2015 and new ones have to be developed. When previous strategic period is observed, it can be concluded that despite significant efforts invested in setting up the institutional response to violence against women and the government’s commitments to address the issue, due to economic crisis and political changes, the country has faced marginalization of gender equality mechanisms and reduction in capacities to advance gender equality.
Besides, gaps in service providers’ capacities to offer adequate protection to survivors and prosecute perpetrators remain a challenge, along with budgetary restrictions for the implementation of the strategic framework. Mobilizing individuals, government, NGOs, people in local communities to act together in fulfilling national and international commitments in preventing and eliminating VaWG is critical for ensuring an effective response. Impartiality, expertise, results achieved so far and the beneficiaries’ feedback mark out the UN as a player who is able to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders and direct the joint efforts.
Expected Outcome:
The project will work towards changing normative framework, institutional practices and behaviors pertaining to violence against women and girls at state, community and individual levels.
The overall objective of the project is further development of social and institutional environment that will contribute to zero tolerance and eradication of violence against women in Serbia.
The specific purpose of the project is to further improve legal and policy frameworks, strengthen prevention system and assistance mechanisms for survivors of violence and improve access to effective protection from violence through sustainable delivery of general and specialist services.
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