EU for Public Finance Management in Serbia
In June 2021, the Government of Serbia (GoS) adopted the Public Finance Management Reform Programme for 2021-2025 (PFM RP), complementing the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Strategy 2021-2030. The project "EU for Public Finance Management in Serbia" will assist the GoS to align with the European Union (EU) acquisitions and requirements and achieve progress in EU integration process, regarding negotiation chapters in areas related to PFM as a subsector of PAR: 16– Taxation, 29–Customs Union, 32–Financial Control, 5–Public Procurement. United Nations Development Programme is implementing this project with the financial support of the European Union in the amount of 13,700.00 EUR, in partnership with the Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF) and the Slovak Ministry of Finance.
The goal of the project is to enhance the efficiency of budget execution, public finance management and public internal financial control in line with EU standards and best practices.
• Support to the Tax Administration for the introduction of the Value Added Tax Information Exchange System (VIES) with the EU member states
• Strengthening the operational and administrative capacities of the Customs Administration and support to the Customs Administration in the improvement of the data storage (warehouse) and the Integrated Tariff Management System (ITMS).
• Improving public sector management and accountability through strengthened financial management, internal control and audit, as well as improving of managerial responsibility
• Support for enhancing efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of public procurement in Sebia
• Support to selected priority areas within the public finance management reform