Awarded Best Innovations for the Implementation of the Circular Economy
November 26, 2024

Belgrade, 26 November 2024 – For the third year in a row, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), have awarded the creators of the best innovations that contribute to the further development of the circular economy in Serbia.
A total of $170,000 were awarded to 10 ideas developed through cooperation between scientific research institutions and industry, as well as 7 ideas from citizens' associations aimed at improving the position of informal waste pickers. The implementation of these ideas will contribute to waste reduction, preservation of natural resources and the protection of the rights of unregistered workers in the waste picking sector. All 17 award-winning innovations were selected through previously announced public calls.
“In 2022, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Circular Economy Development Programme, which runs until the end of this year and includes a number of activities aimed at developing the circular economy, including support for these initiatives. The implemented ideas show how companies can improve their production, save resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They also show the various ways of applying the circular economy in practise and thus making an important contribution to environmental protection”, said Sandra Dokić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
She mentioned that a new Circular Economy Development Programme is planned for the period 2025 to 2030, which will continue these activities and include other types of waste that are important for the circular economy.
Among the innovations supported are the use of corn to produce insulation material in construction, the use of coffee waste to produce bio-cosmetics and the development of a platform that allows electronic waste to be reported for recycling and connects all actors in the chain, including informal waste pickers.
“When scientific research and business community resources come together, innovations are created that promote the circular economy, increase competitiveness, stimulate economic growth and create new jobs. At the same time, it is essential for a fair transition to a circular economy to include informal waste pickers in the official waste management system”, said Fabricio Andreuzzi, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Serbia.
He added that thanks to support from GEF, the European Union and the governments of Sweden, Switzerland and Serbia totalling $3 million, the UNDP has been able to implement 80 innovative ideas in the field of the circular economy in the last two years alone.

Some of these innovations were presented at the event, including the production of interior design materials from waste glass, the use of fruit processing waste to produce hydrochar that can be used as a biofuel, absorbent or solid fertiliser, and a circular waste management solution for the film industry that involves informal waste pickers in the treatment of this waste.
To expand the implementation of such innovations, UNDP supported the Ministry of Environmental Protection in improving regulations on waste status and the registration of by-products. Companies can now register what was previously considered waste and sell it as a by-product. This contributes to better waste management, reduced pollution and increased business revenues.
The event also presented the activities of five large companies and the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, which have implemented measures to manage waste and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of the “Accept the Circular Challenge" initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
This event was organised as part of the project "Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Local Communities by Applying Circular Economy Principles in Serbia – Circular Communities", implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and UNDP with financial support from GEF.