Urban Risk Management and Resilience Strategy



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Urban Risk Management and Resilience Strategy

December 3, 2021

Based on the analytical review of urban risk and resilience initiatives over the past decade, the ‘Urban Risk Management and Resilience Strategy’ report presents an evidence-based rationale, vision and structured approach to engage on urban resilience and risk management, and to contribute to SDG-11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) while advancing implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement and the New Urban Agenda. The Strategy seeks to advance the UNDP Strategic Plan (2022-25) outcomes by bringing its disaster and climate risk management practice closer with its climate change and development agenda through ramped up action at city level to protect development gains against multidimensional and systemic risks and build resilience. 

The five strategic priorities guide intensified commitments and augmented action across viz. (i) neglected geographies with greatest capacity and resource gaps such as cities in LICs, LDCs, SIDS and LMICs; (ii) engaging diverse stakeholders and interest groups to strengthen urban governance for a better connect between national policy and city implementation; (iii) amplify marginalized voices to cater to needs and vulnerabilities of weaker segments in city decision-making to ensure that no one is left behind; (iv) augmenting technical and financial capacities of less-resourced cities to manage multi-dimensional risks; and (v) harnessing innovation and digital technologies to build resilient urban futures.