UNDP New Deal Facility Annual Report 2015
DownloadUNDP New Deal Facility Annual Report 2015
April 4, 2016
In order to meet the challenges of conflict and fragility more effectively in the g7+ countries, the members of the International Dialogue established the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. The New Deal prioritizes five Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals, commits the Dialogue to work towards full consideration of these Goals in the post-MDG development framework beyond 2015, as well as advocate for them in the UN General Assembly and other forums. The New Deal further commits members to take a series of steps to strengthen their focus in planning and priority setting based on fragility assessments, simplified planning mechanisms, and support for country ownership, and to increase trust between national and international actors by promoting transparency, risk management, capacity development and use of country systems in the delivery of external aid. Compacts are designed to ensure mutual accountability between governments, other national actors, including civil society, and international actors and donors.
The UNDP Support Facility was established in January 2014 to provide coordinated financial and technical support for implementation of aspects of the New Deal, building on UNDP's extensive country presence and experience working in all g7+ countries. The UNDP mechanism provides donors with an effective funding support channel based on existing UNDP structures and accountability frameworks. It is managed at the global level by UNDP, in close collaboration with the ID Secretariat, the g7+ secretariat, the World Bank, PBSO and other partners.