Turning The Tide on Internal Displacement: A Development Approach to Solutions

Turning The Tide on Internal Displacement: A Development Approach to Solutions
November 29, 2022
Internal displacement is a major challenge to sustainable development. By the end of the 2021, more than 59 million people remained displaced in their own countries – the highest ever global figure and more than double the number recorded 10 years ago. Many affected countries will not be able to reach critical goals on poverty, education, peaceful societies and gender equality – without fully addressing internal displacement.
This new report, Turning the tide on internal displacement: A development approach to solutions, produced by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the collaboration of IDMC recommends ways governments and development partners can address forced displacement and build resilience. The report highlights that overcoming internal displacement depends on governments implementing key development solutions, including ensuring equal access to rights and basic services, promoting socio-economic integration, restoring security, building social cohesion, and better data and research.