Pollution and Health: Guidance Note for Parliamentary Action

Pollution and Health: Guidance Note for Parliamentary Action
February 3, 2025
Pollution is one of the most significant barriers to sustainable development globally, resulting in widespread social, economic and environmental harms, with disproportionate impacts in low- and middle-income countries and among already vulnerable and marginalized populations. Yet action to address pollution remains inadequate and many countries do not have effective strategies or policies to address pollution.
Parliamentarians and parliamentarian institutions, such as committees and caucuses, have a crucial role to play in strengthening national responses to pollution as part of advancing healthy, sustainable societies. That includes supporting governments in strengthening legal frameworks, for example overseeing how existing commitments, laws and policies are implemented. It also includes promoting effective, evidence-based pollution reduction measures, considering their multidimensional benefits and the importance of whole-of-government and whole-of-society efforts.
This Guidance Note, funded by the European Union, overviews the links between pollution, health, and sustainable development, presenting evidence, recommendations and resources for parliamentary action. The note emphasizes the health impacts of pollution to highlight the urgency and drive for action, while exploring broader co-benefits in line with Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement. The note can be useful for parliamentary actors (including, parliaments, parliamentarians, parliamentary committees, caucuses, staff and advisers), government officials and civil society.
Other UNDP products designed to support countries in their efforts in addressing the health burden from pollution include the Operational Guide for Legal Environment Assessment for Health and Pollution and Methodology for Developing Household and Ambient Air Pollution Investment Cases.