Handbook on Recovery Institutions: A Guidebook for Recovery Leaders and Practitioners



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Handbook on Recovery Institutions: A Guidebook for Recovery Leaders and Practitioners

January 19, 2022

Intended for anyone tasked with setting up, leading, supporting, or working with a government agency dedicated to the management of disaster recovery after a catastrophic event, the "Handbook on Recovery Institutions: A Guidebook for Recovery Leaders and Practitioners" describes institutional options, successful characteristics and management lessons based on real-world experience with disaster recovery operations. It is a useful planning tool for practitioners and policymakers who need to design, manage and assess recovery following a disaster.

Based on current literature, relevant examples and a set of case studies from six countries (Chile, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Serbia and Mozambique), the Handbook draws lessons from the institutional arrangements and recovery management strategies put in place after catastrophic disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recognizing that institutional arrangements are fundamental because they affect the pace and quality of post-disaster recovery, the Handbook lays out the criteria for designing and selecting a lead institution and the key requirements for successful institutional arrangements.

The Handbook contains also a checklist of key elements to take into consideration during the process of establishing institutional arrangements as well as sample terms of reference for key staff involved in the recovery process.