Support the transition towards an adaptive, effective and open governance to place human development at the center of digital transformation

Digital Governance Acceleration


Project supports the preparation and harmonization of policy framework for digital governance and the adoption of mechanisms to ensure application of digital standards, provides operational and advisory support in terms capacity building for effective digital transformation, following the priorities outlined in the national strategic frameworks and provides recommendations to the Government for an easy transition to digital platforms fully integrating human right and gender equality principles.

The overall objective is to improve the institutional resilience, enhancing the trust in institutions and the development of digital governance policies which are gender sensitive, in order to ensure transparent and responsive public service-delivery. In addition, project mainstreams a gender equality perspective by addressing and removing gender barriers and promote equal opportunities for men and women through digital platform, while specific attention is on the introduction of gender dimensions into policies and systems for automatization, digitalization, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies which should ensure women’s participation in designing, developing and managing STEM products/services.


Montenegro achieved considerable progress during last 10 years in terms of improving legislative and strategic framework for development of digitized state, while significant investments happened in digital infrastructure. However, it is evident that the progress was slow as country didn’t take full advantage of the digital transformation potential thus ensuring efficient and transparent state administration. In uncertain times, it is essential that Montenegro builds the necessary resilience to operate in the new reality. The COVID-19 has showcased the value of IT and digital transformation and the need to accelerate the transition. It pointed out the necessity of human-centred and gender responsive digital services and made it evident that the digitalization of public administration requires the consolidation of all existing services, their improvement, strengthening efficiency, openness and promptness in meeting the requirements of different types of stakeholders as well as strengthening of coordination of service providers. 

Project Outcome

  • Assessed and improved digital governance framework in Montenegro (legal, institutional, IT internal systems, gender gap in digital governance);

  • Developed framework for the Catalogue of services and administrative procedures on central and local level;

  • Adopted Digital Transformation Strategy of Montenegro;

  • Improved open data management system;

  • Improved cooperation of public administration and private sector on the development of inclusive digital solutions;

  • Developed women economic empowerment web platform;

  • Assessed needs of civil servants for boosting knowledge and skills in digital governance;

  • Developed online courses for civil servants on digital governance, open data management, gender mainstreaming (RES) and women in STEM.

Major Achievements

6 out of 10

civil servants are not familiar with the legal acts that regulate issues in the field of digital governance, e-administration, data protection and use


civil servants are not familiar with the digitalization process of public administration


civil servants are not familiar with the concept of open data

Less than 3%

civil servants understand the concept of e-accessibility

2 out of 3

civil servants stated not to collect data on the sex/gender of service users when providing services

  • Analysis of Montenegro's Digital Government Legal Framework read here.
  • Analysis of legal regulations for the development of e-services read here.
  • Assessment of the Montenegrin institutional framework for digital governance read here.
  • Internal IT systems analysis read here.