Evaluation Report of Ordinary Anticorruption Initiatives Assessment of Public Authorities in the Republic of Moldova: Implementation of 10 policies in 2020

Evaluation Report of Ordinary Anticorruption Initiatives Assessment of Public Authorities in the Republic of Moldova: Implementation of 10 policies in 2020

September 30, 2021

This Report describes the results of an innovative exercise of the Anticorruption Initiatives Assessment (AIA) of public entities of the Republic of Moldova, based on the experience of the Republic of Korea and which envisaged evaluating how public institutions implemented 10 out of 14 anticorruption policies envisaged under the Action Plan for implementing the National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy and the Integrity Law. AIA goal is to encourage public entities and their managers to take voluntary and pro-active efforts for creating a climate of institutional integrity, ensuring a constant mechanism for monitoring and guiding public entities by the NAC in the process of implementing efficient and practical measures for preventing corruption, including anticorruption and integrity policy documents.
Document Type
Regions and Countries