Gendered Voices Newsletter: Issues 01 -04 Consolidated Version

Gendered Voices- Consolidated Version

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Gendered Voices Newsletter: Issues 01 -04 Consolidated Version

January 26, 2021

The United Nations Development Programme in Mauritius partnered with the Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare, the Australian High Commission, the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator and UN Women to contribute a space to document women’s COVID-19 stories in Mauritius. It also aims to illustrate the intersectionality of women’s identities and experiences; to contribute to our understanding of effective policy responses and, to quite simply, add to the echo of their voices. 

UNDP Mauritius Gendered Voices Newsletter draws on women's experiences during the confinement period and in the wake of the 'new normal' to highlight the gendered implications of COVID-19 in Mauritius. 

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