The Service Users Feedback Survey (SUFS-2) 2021

The Service Users Feedback Survey (SUFS-2) 2021

May 30, 2022

The Service Users Feedback Survey, second round, or SUFS-2, captures the experiences of users of public services to assess the performance of local government authorities, in an effort to review and improve the quality and effectiveness of such services. SUFS-2 is conducted under the Governance for Inclusive Development Programme (GIDP) 2017-2021, with the Ministry of Home Affairs as the lead implementing agency, and in a partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation.

The key objectives of the survey are: to improve the public services at the local level, particularly at the district level; to provide inputs from the citizens to the district authorities for their district socio-economic development plan periodically; to serve as the mechanism that collects and analyses feedback of public service users and provides provide information to the relevant sectors; to provide information to the People’s Provincial Assembly (PPA) to oversee the implementation of the relevant sectors, and; to promote people’s participation in the governance or public service reform.