Combatting Early Marriages, Bride-Kidnapping and Gender-Based Violence Practices in Kyrgyzstan

Combatting Early Marriages, Bride-Kidnapping and Gender-Based Violence Practices in Kyrgyzstan
November 10, 2021
Violence against women is widespread and takes many forms, including domestic violence, bride kidnapping, trafficking, early marriages, polygamy and physical abuse. A study based on a 2011-12 nationally-representa- tive survey, showed how 38 % of married ethnic Kyrgyz women and 31 % of men reported having been married through bride kidnapping for an average amount of 32 bride kidnapping a day with 40% of them including rape. Nearly 14 % of women currently aged 25 to 49 reported having married by age 18. The Ministry of Inter- nal Affairs’ analytical center gives the following data: within the period of 2010 – 2014, 56064 crimes against women were registered, among those are sexual violence, forced marriages, physical violence and other forms. Filed cases against forced early marriages in 2012 are coming only to 13 cases, sexual violence in 2011 - 233 cases; forced marriages - only 25 cases in 2013. Under article of the Penal Code 155 (bride-kidnapping) in 2013, only 22 cases were registered, and for the period of 6 months in 2014 - 19. In early January 2016, the initative of Ms. Salianova, the Member of the Kyrgyz Parliament, on endoresement of Draft Law on introduc- ing penalties for those, participating in arranged marriages for underage girls was communicated to the civil society nertwork and follow up activities were organized.