7 October 2021, Bishkek – Today, UNDP in Kyrgyzstan and the UK Embassy in Bishkek have launched the second phase of the project “Policy Action for Climate Security in Central Asia” aimed at supporting coherent evidence-based climate change action and increasing public awareness in Central Asia, namely in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Project aims to increase national engagement by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan with the Paris Agreement and 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) outcomes.
UK Government hosts the biggest climate summit COP26 UNFCCC in Glasgow, Scotland in November 1-12, 2021, where countries will declare their binding ‘carbon budgets’ which cumulatively should add up to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees.
"The UK is committed to working on climate change and has four core goals for the COP26 Presidency aimed at accelerating progress towards achieving the aims of the Paris Agreement through increased ambition in: Mitigation, Adaptation, Finance and Collaboration. We all have a role to play in meeting the Paris Agreement Goals. We must be committed to limit global temperature rises to below two degrees, aiming for 1.5. All countries must act in increasing their contribution to reducing greenhouse emissions. We are delighted, that through UKAid funding, UNDP has been supporting the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with their nationally determined contributions. We welcome the progress so far, and look forward to them being finalise and published," said Mr. Moran.
The project’s partner the Ministry of Foreign Affairs MFA co-hosted the launch whose role is to present of the country's climate commitments and negotiate on the best conditions for the country and the promote the country's interests and regional cooperation on the international platform.
“The most important step in the implementation of the obligations under the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, Kyrgyzstan sees in the development of a" green economy ", as well as in the use of the country's water and energy development through the construction of hydroelectric power plants to achieve gas neutrality by 2050. In connection with the above, Kyrgyzstan counts on the support of international partners and climate funds for the implementation of the Paris Agreement,” – said Bakyt Asangul, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Just recently Kyrgyzstan adopted its National Determined Contribution (NDC) where Kyrgyzstan pledged to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 36,61% with the international support. The climate commitments that Kyrgyzstan has identified in the NDC are central to the country's positioning at the upcoming international climate negotiations in Glasgow. Kyrgyzstan has promising prospects for climate ambitions because of its unique natural assets that allow it to forego high-emission production and tangible prospects and benefits of switching to a low-emission pathway. By supporting the overall trend of green recovery from the effects of COVID-19, sound recovery policies can advance both economic and climate goals and generate new investment for action in vulnerable sectors.
Louise Chamberlain, UNDP Resident Representative said that UNDP will engage think tanks, universities, civil society, and a range of government partners in building the capacity of policymaking on climate change in the target countries. This will be achieved through collecting scientific data on the impacts of global warming and opportunities of a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy. “The evidence will then be utilized for driving a robust communications campaign, which will act as a basis to transition the dialogue on climate change to one of urgent action. These activities will be supported by a Central Asian-UK interdisciplinary climate change policy network to gain from expertise in the UK for addressing critical questions around climate challenges”, said Ms. Louise Chamberlain.
To note, UK Embassy in Bishkek has partnered with the UNDP in effective preparation for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). Together, UNDP and UK support diplomats, negotiators and policy makers in Central Asian countries to bring climate change to the foreground and pursue effective international action. UNDP and UK are collaborating closely to support the key line ministries and MFA with negotiation skills of national delegations to COP26, and to support regional collaboration and joint positioning where applicable on key climate policy issues of common interest to the Fergana Valley and Central Asian countries. Recognizing the key role that youth play in addressing climate change, UNDP worked closely with youth organizations in three countries to empower youth to take action on climate change adaptation and mitigation and to increase youth participation in climate change policy decision-making processes through innovative information campaigns.
The project will continue to actively engage national stakeholders and build their capacities in developing research, policy and advocacy field. This will ensure building national knowledge and know-how. The project will also enable a rapid acceleration of efforts in the run-up to COP 26 and will lay the foundation for further government funded action and regional cooperation as required by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan’s commitments to Paris Agreement implementation.