Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Prizren City

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Prizren City

September 27, 2019

This report presents the GHG inventory of the Prizren City for inventory the year 2014 (decided based on more authentic and widely available data for the year of 2014). This report is divided into three sections. Section I provided the brief project background, ensuing section focuses on details of the inventory boundary and details of city selected in the study with geographic, demographic, climatic profile of the city.

Section II provides the information on the GHG inventory for the city and detailed overview of sectors considered for GHG inventory, activity data, methodology and emission factors used, detailed analysis of GHG emissions from selected sector, sub-sector, category and sub-category. A quantitative and qualitative overview of the GHG inventory for the City as per the ‘Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories’ (GPC or GPC protocol) in details and the technical information describing the activity data collection methodology for GHG accounting.

Section III has the key findings and recommendations and a comparative assessment across the selected cities. Further, the data collection and report formats for GHG emissions data are included in the Annexure of this report. The Annexure II of the report provides details on emission factors and GWP of major GHG gases.