April 19, 2023

Continuing the tradition of marking Earth Days, this year too, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo joins the global celebration of Earth Days’. This year’s theme is 'Invest in Our Planet' aiming to promote long-term commitment to environmental sustainability. Three years in a row, UNDP Kosovo and key partners are coming together to celebrate with activities raising awareness of environmental issues and promoting everyone’s action for a more sustainable planet.
Led by the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (MESPI), the week-long Kosovo Earth Days Campaign has been joined by the Office of the President, Kosovo municipalities,USAID, U.S. Embassy Pristina, Embassy of Luxembourg, Embassy of Japan and local NGOs, with the shared goal of green transformation and sustainable future.
The campaign provides a unique opportunity for significant involvement and engagement of Kosovo community, including NGOs, activists, policymakers, and development partners, to acknowledge the importance of their actions, use their voice, and protect their right for a healthy environment.
Supported by UNDP Kosovo,partners have organized the following events for the 2023 Kosovo Earth Days celebration.Most of the activities cover topics of urban greening, youth and community activism, environmental protection, and a circular economy.