In Kazakhstan, UNDP utilizes digital to amplify development outcomes across all portfolios and thematic areas of work. The spectrum is wide-ranging and transformational. From the Digital Portal of Social Services for persons with disabilities and upgrading IT staff to accelerating digital transformation in the public sector, from introducing satellite telemetry for wildlife monitoring to closing the digital gender gap in Kazakhstan. Across all these innovative journeys we are helping the country build an inclusive and sustainable digital society.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Digital Family Card is a flagship govtech solution that helps decision-makers access aggregated data on vulnerable families in real time. The platform creates a holistic, gender-sensitive and efficient system to provide social support for the most vulnerable groups in society in Kazakhstan. More than 6 million families in Kazakhstan were mapped as the result of the project that is now at the basis of the Social Code. Such transparent information leads to better planning of government spending and more accurate targeting of social assistance based on real-time data.
Photo: UNDP Kazakhstan/Batyr Aubakirov
The Portal of Social Services improves the quality and accessibility of social services and assistance to people and families in difficult socio-economic circumstances. It does so by creating a one- stop shop where such families can access a gamut of service providers. The portal, which is integrated with the information systems of 13 government institution databases, unites suppliers and consumers of social services and assistive aids on a single digital platform.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
The use of SMART technologies helps to improve the wildlife protection system and professional skills of the Specially Protected Natural Territories (SPNT) guards through the introduction of a SMART patrol and monitoring system. The SMART system uses its own desktop computer programme and SMART mobile apps to monitor the performance of environmental inspectors and scientists of protected areas and game rangers. The mobile app also allows the storing of patrol and monitoring data centrally.
Virtual tours to the national parks of the country allow visiting the tourist sites of five protected areas online. Using a smartphone or laptop or tablet, tourists can get acquainted with unspoiled protected areas, see the habitats of wild animals, and glimpse the intricacies of the routes. Virtual tours are designed to promote the unique natural potential of Kazakhstan, the development of ecological tourism in protected areas and to stimulate the interest of domestic and foreign tourists in the reserves.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Using unmanned aerial vehicles for forest inventory - An industrial drone allows data collection, e.g. the age, stock/amount of wood, growth and volume of individual trees that mainly grow in hard-to-reach forests. Drone images are decoded via special programmes. A digital model of the terrain, relief and canopy and models of plantation density is then created.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Remote monitoring for biodiversity conservation - the snow leopard, an endangered species, is the focus of remote monitoring via camera traps and satellite collars for observing and tracking its movements. With its range in Kazakhstan estimated between 2 mn hectares and 4.98 mn hectares in several mountain ranges, the goal is to discover its migratory routes and its habitat to find ways of reducing threats and improving conservation measures.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Digital solutions for achieving gender equality - created as part of the Spotlight Digital Challenge "IT VS. Violence" online marathon of ideas aim to bring youth to understand the problems and consequences of gender inequality and the benefit of IT use to counter gender-based violence (GBV), including online, to help survivors and to collect GBV data.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
CLARITY is an app that improves women’s access to health care and diagnosis. Women can access a verified group of international obstetricians and gynaecologists who provide collective medical opinions to improve the patient’s and their doctor’s diagnosis. In 2022 CLARITY received a $10,000 grant from UNDP BOOST programmme promoting social impact innovation.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney is a platform and mobile application for monitoring air quality, reporting environmental violations, raising awareness and providing eco-education opportunities with gamification features. The UNDP Kazakhstan Accelerator Lab has worked with to improve air quality in Almaty under the UNDP regional programme City Experiment Fund for urban transformation.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Automation in the field of energy efficiency and the introduction of environmentally friendly energy technologies is done by a new hardware-software complex, "Volna", which is an energy savings device for central, autonomous heat supply and gas boiler systems. At end 2022, this energy saving device was installed at approximately 60 facilities in the Kostanay and Kyzylorda regions and Astana and Temirtau cities.
Mobile application as a tool for the digital model of integrated social services. The application improves the system for collecting and updating the reliability of information on families under various social risk categories (e.g. family composition, housing conditions) for subsequent analysis and calculation of government social support measures.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Automation of the system for evaluating candidates for judges is a web application based on machine learning that provides the ability to evaluate a written work according to seven criteria, including: the ability to identify and analyse problematic issues on a given topic; the importance of creativity in thinking; and the identification of practical and feasible ways to problem solving.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Acceleration of Innovations in the Public Service Lab - is a platform to find innovative solutions, approaches and technologies and for their piloting in relevant government institutions. The goal is to bridge the divide between business and the public sector. Thanks to the laboratory – of 32 applications submitted, 10 startups were selected for acceleration – 2 products were released: Pro.Tourism and AI-Legal.
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
An interactive map of protected areas will be developed to promote nature conservation and local tourism. The map will not only contain tourist routes but also information on locations that can be used for economic activities. It will contribute to educational purposes as it will be widely accessible among students and the general public interested in nature conservation and the environment (in progress).
Photo: Generated by AI/Midjourney
Inclusive visitor center at the “Kolsai kölderi” natural park is an initiative of UNDP and the government designed to cater to the needs of all visitors, including those with disabilities. Such a center would employ various strategies to ensure that people with disabilities can fully participate in experiencing the nature. This might include offering alternative formats for informational materials, such as audio or Braille. The center will use technology to enhance the experience for visitors with disabilities, such as touchscreens or augmented reality apps that provide audio descriptions of exhibits (in progress).