SDG Academy Indonesia, UNDP Indonesia Launches Circular Economy Training Program with Nippon Closures Co., Ltd.
October 20, 2022

The circular economy trainings will target government and non-government officials including academia, the private sectors, philanthropic organizations , Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), media and youth.
Jakarta Oct.20, 2022 — The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the SDG Academy Indonesia today kicked off a series of nationwide training programs on the circular economy, a zero-waste model that can support Indonesia to accelerate green growth and meet its ambitious emission targets.
The Indonesian government has prioritized the implementation of circular economy in the country. The economic model requires manufacturers and companies to reduce material consumption, waste, and emissions whilst at the same time sustaining growth.
Today’s training program was held in partnership with Japanese manufacturing company, Nippon Closures Co., Ltd (NCC) and corporate innovation accelerator Intellectual Capital Management Group Pte., Ltd (ICMG). The training makes up part of a five-month SDG Leadership Program on Circular Economy, which began with five dialogues on the topic.
The online dialogues involved experts with best examples from the two countries who provided the current picture on the implementation of the circular economy in Japan and Indonesia.
UNDP Indonesia Resident Representative Mr. Norimasa Shimomura, Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia Mr. Kanasugi Kenji, representatives from the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), representatives from the Ministry of Planning and National Development (Bappenas), Global CEO Tanoto Foundation, Directorate of Environment from Bappenas, as well as NCC and ICMG focal points attended the opening event.
Mr. Shimomura emphasized the significance of the circular economy to Indonesia's goal of inclusive and green economic growth.
“The circular economy is more than just running a waste management system. It requires awareness, change in individual behaviours, science and technology, business models and financing models, among other factors. With these in place, it will enable Indonesia's economy and society to become greener, resilient, and inclusive," he said.

The circular economy trainings will target government and non-government officials including academia, the private sectors, philanthropic organizations , Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), media and youth.
The circular economy training program will target government and non-government officials including academia, the private sector, philanthropic organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), media and youth.
Aside from the training programs, UNDP has also been working in partnership with the Government of Indonesia to mainstream circular economy in the national development plan. With support from the Government of Denmark, Bappenas and UNDP, last August launched a book titled "The Future is Circular: Concrete Steps for Circular Economic Initiatives in Indonesia." The book is part of the initial step in the preparation of a Circular Economic Policy Roadmap in Indonesia.
Initiated by UNDP Indonesia, Bappenas, and Tanoto Foundation, SDG Academy Indonesia is a learning hub for localizing SDGs in Indonesia. The SDG Leadership Program is one of the main programs by SDG Academy Indonesia, targeting stakeholders from government and non-government sectors, with the aim of preparing leaders to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Academy expects that these SDGs’ stakeholders can help Indonesia build back better towards more green, resilient, and inclusive cities in the recover from the post-pandemic crisis.
UNDP Indonesia Communications Specialist, Tomi Soetjipto,
UNDP Communications and Campaign Officer for SDG Academy Indonesia, Thomas Benmetan,