Photo: UNDP/ Patricia Esteve
13 years after the milestone development of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards (IDDRS), the United Nations Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on DDR will launch a comprehensive revision of the IDDRS to meet current challenges on the ground. The IDDRS are a comprehensive set of policies, guidelines and procedures for the design and implementation of DDR processes.
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) processes are designed to assist ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to make the transition from conflict to civilian life, and contribute to the restoration of peace and security. In complex settings, DDR processes require particular agility and innovation in view of the overarching objective to support individuals, communities and host countries in their journey for peace and development.
In 2017, the IAWG embarked on a comprehensive revision of the IDDRS to meet current challenges on the ground. To commemorate the system-wide consolidation of updated DDR experience, lessons learned and good practices into new standards, the IAWG will launch the revised IDDRS on 19 November 2019 simultaneously in New York and Geneva. The high-level event will:
- Introduce the UN’s revised approach to DDR
- Encourage decision-makers and DDR practitioners to consult the revised IDDRS
- Celebrate, showcase and strengthen IAWG-DDR strategic partnerships
The event will also link the revised IDDRS to the Action for Peacekeeping Initiative (A4P), the peacebuilding and sustaining peace agenda, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals, most notably SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions).
The launch of the revised IDDRS represents a very significant milestone in DDR policy and practice. Attend the launch of the revised IDDRS to join the conversation on the new UN approach to DDR:
Date: Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Venue: Room IX, Palais des Nations
Time: 15:30 – 18:00
RSVP: Through this link