UNDP at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly and the Summit of the Future
September 24, 2024

Event | When | How to join |
UN High-level Event | Summit of the Future Action Day 1: #YouthLead for the Future | Convened by UNYO, sessions supported by UNDP, ITU, WIPO, UNFPA, MGCY, ICMYO | Friday 20 September | 4:45pm - 6pm EDT | UNHQ ECOSOC Chamber | In-person Event I View event page |
UN High-level Event I Summit of the Future Action Day 2: A Digital Future for All | Co-convened by OSET, ITU, UNDP | Saturday 21 September | 10:30am - 5pm EDT | UNHQ ECOSOC Chamber I In - person Event I View event page |
UN High-level Event I Summit of the Future Action Day 2: A Sustainable Future for All | Co-convened by UNDP, DESA | Saturday 21 September | 9am - 6pm EDT | UNHQ CR-4 I In-person Event I View event page |
Wednesday 18 September | ||
Aid Effectiveness in Afghanistan: Centering Women and Girls in the Fight Against Food Security I Afghanistan Policy Lab, Government of Afghanistan, Government of Canada, Government of Finland and Government of the United Kingdom | Wednesday 18 September | 3pm - 5pm EDT | UNHQ CR-12 I In-person Event I UN WebTV Link |
Thursday 19 September | ||
UN 2.0 Culture and Transformation - Knowledge Network Activation Event | Executive Office of the Secretary General, UNDP, UN Women, Government of Saudi Arabia, Government of South Africa, Member States | Thursday 19 September | 9:30am - 11:30am EDT | Grace Dodge Hall 179, Teachers College - Columbia University I In -person Event I View event page |
Friday 20 September | ||
Business Pact for the Future Launch I United States Council for International Business | Friday 20 September | 8am - 10:30am EDT | Yale Club, New York I In-person Event |
Youth in Front: Reflections on Decolonizing the Low-Carbon Transition (LCT) in the Global South I IDRC, INCLUDE, Government of Nigeria, Government of Cameroon, UNDP | Friday 20 September | 10am - 11am EDT | Millennium Hilton, One UN Plaza, New York | In-person Event |
Digital Transformation in Africa: Jumping Ten Years in One I Government of Denmark, UNDP, Smart Africa, cBrain | Friday 20 September | 10am - 12:30pm EDT | Denmark House, 666 Third Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
Saturday 21 September | ||
The Future of Energy I GEIDCO, Sustainable Development Solutions Network | Saturday 21 September I 10:15am - 12pm EDT | The Faculty House of Columbia University, New York I In-person Event |
Invest in Gender Equality to end Violence against Women and Girls I Spotlight Secretariat, Government of Belgium, Government of Ecuador, UNDP | Saturday 21 September I 4pm - 5:15pm EDT | UNHQ CR-2 I In - person Event |
Networking Reception Fostering Global Digital Cooperation for Prosperity I Digital Cooperation Organization, the Digital Government Authority (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) | Saturday 21 September I 7pm - 10pm EDT | The Pierre, Taj Hotel 2 E 61st Street, New York I In-person Event |
Sunday 22 September | ||
Aligning Efforts between the UN and MDBs to Accelerate SDG Progress I Executive Office of the Secretary General | Sunday 22 September | 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT | UNHQ CR-6 I In-person Event |
Empower the Future: Digital Pathways to National Prosperity - Accelerating the Achievement of SDGs I Government of Lesotho, Government of Singapore, Government of Portugal, UNDP | Sunday 22 September I 1:15pm - 2:30pm EDT | UNHQ CR-12 I In-person Event |
Mobilizing Private Sector Ambition and Accountability to Transform Food Systems I United Nations Global Compact | Sunday 22 September I 3pm - 4:30pm EDT | UNHQ Private Dining Room 2-3 4th Floor, New York I In-person Event |
Monday 23 September | ||
Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Leaders Meeting I Government of Samoa, AOSIS | Monday 23 September | 7:30am - 10:30pm EDT | 658 Third Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York I In-person Event |
Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) GLC Principal Meetings I GEAPP | Monday 23 September | 8am - 10am EDT | The Rockefeller Foundation, 420 5th Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
Women in Finance: Global Leaders Platform Announcement I Government of Brazil, Global Women in Finance Global Leaders Platform | Monday 23 September | 8am - 11am EDT | IE University, Rockefeller Center, New York I In-person Event |
UNDP/CAF Conference on Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean | UNDP, CAF | Monday 23 September | 10am - 12pm EDT | UNHQ CR-6 | In-person Event |
From Ambition to Action: Cross-Industry Dialogue on Resilience I World Economic Forum | Monday 23 September | 10:30am - 12pm EDT | Venue TBC |
Forest Finance Leveraged for High Integrity in the Brazilian Amazon | Government of Brazil, Climate Hub, UNDP | Monday 23 September | 11am - 1pm EDT | UNDP, Doha Room | In-person Event |
Advancing a Global Agenda through a Geopolitical Recession I World Economic Forum | Monday 23 September | 12:30pm - 2pm EDT | 350 Madison Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
Private Sector Forum Luncheon I UN Global Compact | Monday 23 September | 12:30pm - 2:45pm EDT | Venue TBC |
De-risking the Renewable Energy Viability Gap in Africa and Accelerating Women's Entrepreneurship Development in Africa I Government of Zimbabwe, African Union, Southern African Development Community, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, ECA, Economic Community of West African States,, UNDP, UN Women and partners | Monday 23 September I 3pm - 6pm EDT | UNHQ CR-12 I In-person Event |
Poverty, Prosperity, and Livable Planet: Pathways Out of the Polycrisis I World Bank | Monday 23 September I 4pm - 5:30pm EDT | One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 885 2nd Avenue 26th Street, New York I In-person Event |
Representation Matters: More Women to Power More Power to Women I Women Political Leaders, The Oliver Wyman Forum, World Bank's Women, Business and the law Initiative | Monday 23 September I 4pm - 6pm EDT | March & McLennan, 1166 Avenue of the Americas, New York I In-person Event |
Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) High-Level Event and Networking Reception - Raising Ambition on SDG7 I SEforALL | Monday 23 September I 4pm - 7:30pm EDT | Maison Barnes, 100 E 63rd Street, New York I In-person Event |
Early Warnings for All: Connecting the Dots to Save Lives and Livelihoods I United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction, the World Meteorological Organization, United Nations Office of Partnerships | Monday 23 September I 4:15pm - 6:15pm EDT | UNHQ SDG Lounge, Dag Hammarskjold Library I In-person Event |
Global Education Forum High-Level Meeting I HE Gordon Brown, the Global Education Forum | Monday 23 September I 4:45pm - 5:45pm EDT | 599 Lexington Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
Advancing Youth Political Participation I UNYO | Monday 23 September I 6pm - 8pm EDT | UNHQ South Dining Room I In-person Event |
Tuesday 24 September | ||
Addressing the Crisis in Myanmar: Pathways to Peacebuilding, Resilience, and Humanitarian Support I World Economic Forum | Tuesday 24 September | 7:30am - 8:30am EDT | World Economic Forum Office, 350 Madison Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
9th Ministerial Meeting of the Like-Minded Group for Middle-Income Countries I Government of Morocco | Tuesday 24 September | 8am - 10am EDT | Venue TBC |
Unlocking the Potential of Community Action and Localising Development Support to Leave No One Behind I Impact Coalition on Financing Community Action on Sustainable Development, Government of the United Kingdom, Sustainable Development NGO Major Group, Africa Regional Mechanism, National Coalition Partners from Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia | Tuesday 24 September | 8:30am - 10am EDT | Westin Grand Central Hotel 212 E 42nd Street, New York I In-person Event |
Organization of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) I OAFLAD, UNDP | Tuesday 24 September | 9:30am - 1:30pm EDT | Venue TBC |
Champions 12.3 Annual Event I Champions 12.3, Government of Netherlands, World Resources Institute | Tuesday 24 September | 11am - 11:45am EDT | Apella I In-person Event |
UNAIDS Event | Tuesday 24 September | 1pm - 2:30pm EDT | DDR I In-person Event |
Becoming better in partnership: Operational efficiency and effectiveness of multilateral development banks. What priorities for the financing for development agenda? I Government of Belgium, ODI | Tuesday 24 September | 1:15pm - 3pm EDT | Permanent Mission of Belgium to the UN I In-person Event |
SDG Moment I Executive Office of the Secretary General | Tuesday 24 September | 1:30pm - 3pm EDT | UNHQ ECOSOC Chamber I In-person Event |
High Level Side Event on Rohingya Crisis I Government of Bangladesh | Tuesday 24 September | 3pm - 4:30pm EDT | UNHQ CR-11 I In-person Event |
CHAMP High-Level Political Dialogue: Delivering Climate Action through National Subnational Collaboration I COP UAE Presidency, Bloomberg Philanthropies, World Resources Institute | Tuesday 24 September | 3pm - 4:30pm EDT | The Plaza Hotel, New York I In-person Event |
HRH Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg Meeting I Government of Luxembourg, World Scouting, SAP | Tuesday 24 September | 3pm EDT | Fiduciary Trust International, 280 Park Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
Digital Public Infrastructure: What's next after the Global Digital Compact? | OSET, UNDP | Tuesday 24 September | 4pm - 5:30pm EDT | International Peace Institute, 777 United Nations Plaza | In-person Event |
Cocktail Reception at UNGA I Group Executive Office of United Bank for Africa | Tuesday 24 September I 6:30pm EDT | The Pierre, 61st Street 5th Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
Gala Dinner in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the HeForShe Initiative. Discussion on gender equality as a key accelerator for SDG progress and the importance of strong male and female leadership and accountability I UN Women | Tuesday 24 September I 7pm - 9pm EDT | Guastavino's I In-person Event |
Wednesday 25 September | ||
Digital for Sustainable Development I Government of Egypt | Wednesday 25 September I 8am - 9:30am EDT | UNHQ CR-6 I In-person Event |
Breakfast Roundtable: Next Generation Climate Laws I ClientEarth, GLOBE Legislators, World Wildlife Fund International | Wednesday 25 September I 8:15am - 10:00am EDT | 99 Park Avenue, New York I In-person Event |
High-Level Meeting: Trust and Global Governance, Climate Action: Linking the UN Summit for the Future with COP29 I Nizami Ganjavi International Center | Wednesday 25 September I 9am - 10:15am EDT | Havard Club, 35 W 44th Street, New York I In-person Event |
Second G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting I Government of Brazil | Wednesday 25 September I 9am - 6pm EDT | UNHQ ECOSOC Chamber I In-person Event |
High-Level Event on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa I UNIDO, Africa Union Commission | Wednesday 25 September I 1pm - 3pm EDT | Venue TBC |
Inclusive Finance for Development: 15 Years of Impact I H.E. Queen Maxima, UNSGSA | Wednesday 25 September I 1:15pm - 2:30pm EDT | UNHQ CR-4 I In-person Event I Register Here |
Renewable Energy Transition for Resilient SIDS: The Maldives Story I Government of Maldives, World Bank | Wednesday 25 September I 2:30pm | UNHQ CR-7 I In-person Event |
High-level plenary meeting on addressing the existential threats posed by sea-level rise I World Economic Forum | Wednesday 25 September I 4:15pm - 5:30pm EDT | UNHQ CR-1 I In-person Event |
Thursday 26 September | ||
9th Meeting of the Like-Minded Group for Middle-income Countries: Pathways for overcoming the multidimensional challenges facing middle-income countries achieving sustainable development I Government of Morocco | Thursday 26 September | 8am - 10am EDT | UNHQ CR-5I In-person Event |
Partnering to Prepare Young people for a Digital and Green Future: Generation Unlimited Global Leadership Council Meeting I Government of Canada | Thursday 26 September | 9am - 11am EDT | Permanent Mission of Canada I In-person Meeting |
NDC - centered event I COP Troika, Government of United Arab Emirates, Government of Azerbaijan, Government of Brazil, Executive Office of the Secretary General | Thursday 26 September | 10am - 12pm EDT | UNHQ CR-3 I In-person Event |
Strengthening SMEs and Global Supply Chains For A Climate-Resilient Tomorrow | Government of Italy, UNDP | Thursday 26 September | 2pm - 3:30pm EDT | Permanent Mission of Italy | In-person Event |
Just, Equitable Financing and Solidarity for Climate Action: South-South and Triangulation Cooperation Pathways to the SDGs I The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation | Thursday 26 September | 3pm - 4:30pm EDT | UNOSSC Office, 304 East 45th Street, 11th Floor I In-person Event |
23rd Annual Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of LLDCs I Government of Botswana | Thursday 26 September | 3pm - 6pm EDT | Venue TBC |
Global Africa Business Initiatives (GABI) Unstoppable Africa I GABI | Thursday 26 September | Time TBC | Cipriani, 110 East 42nd Street, New York I In-person Event |
Friday 27 September | ||
Launch of the Rio Trio Initiative Event | Friday 27 September | 1:15pm - 2:30pm EDT | UNHQ CR-11 I In-person Event |
The Humanitarian Development and Peace Nexus Series: Strengthening Cooperation to Deliver on the Promise of the 2030 Agenda I KSA (KS/Relief, Saudi Fund for Development), Government of the United Kingdom | Friday 27 September | 3pm - 5pm EDT | UNHQ CR-6 I In-person Event I Register Here |