Curse or Cure? Leaving no one behind in an age of technological revolution
September 7, 2018
Curse or Cure? Leaving no one behind in an age of technological revolution
September 7, 2018

Photo: UNDP
Curse or Cure? Leaving No One Behind in an Age of Technological Revolution
Tuesday 25 September 2018, 11.30 am – 1 pm, UNHQ, Trusteeship Council
- H.E. Mr Nikol Pashinyan
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
- Ms. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Julien J. Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs at The New School
- Ms. Molly Kinder
Senior Advisor on Work, Workers and Technology at New America
- Mr. Royston Braganza
CEO, Grameen Capital India
- Ms. Mary Snapp
Corporate Vice President and Lead for Microsoft Philanthropies
- Ms. Clare Akamanzi
CEO, Rwanda Development Board
- Mr. Achim Steiner
Administrator, United Nations Development Programme
#tech2030 #UNGA2018 @UNDP @UNDP_SDGs
For questions, please contact or tweet @UNDP_SDGs
In fulfilling the pledge of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind we need to take into account a world that is undergoing profound transformations. One of these being the 'fourth industrial revolution' characterized by an unprecedented speed of technological change.
Digital technologies play an ever-increasing role in almost all sectors of society and across industries through increased use of better and faster internet, remote sensoring devices, satellite imagery, higher computing power, and through advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence. They offer new means of tackling issues such as financial inclusion, climate change and rapid urbanization. But artificial intelligence and automation can also lead to rising inequalities both within and between countries. It is up to policymakers to leverage these technological developments for good, and to mitigate their risks.
Join a discussion that will take stock of the challenges and opportunities posed by the fourth industrial revolution, consider policy innovations occurring around the world and how they aim to ensure that technological transformations are leveraged in ways that leave no one behind.
UNDP talks technology at the UN General Assembly:
More on #tech2030 related UNDP events at UNGA 2018