Guidance note: Design your city's pathways for economic growth


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Guidance note: Design your city's pathways for economic growth

February 28, 2024

The Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) Facility, a joint initiative of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), announced the launch of the Pathways for Economic Growth (P4EG) Methodology under the Urban Learning Center (ULC) together with its innovative partners Arup, Climate KIC and TalTech. The methodology is a strategic framework designed to guide cities and municipalities toward sustainable, inclusive, innovative, and resilient economic development. Founded on the principle of holistic development, P4EG emphasises the social, environmental, and economic factors in local development. Comprising eight building blocks, P4EG provides cities and towns with the necessary framework to set a diagnostic of their local situation, identify key drivers of change, opportunities, stresses, and shocks facing them, and establish prioritised actions allowing municipalities to deliver on the targets set out in their developed vision.