Reintegration of Returnees
The project is focused on addressing key institutional barriers for reintegration of vulnerable returnees, and drivers of social and economic exclusion and outmigration in the Western Balkans, such as limited work opportunities, low-paid jobs, large informal sector and poor quality of social services.
The project is part of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) II Multi-Country Action, EU support to Fundamental Rights of Roma Community, and Reintegration of Returnees, entrusted to UNDP, World Bank, and the Council of Europe.
In all Western Balkan economies, the project assesses policy and institutional gaps and facilitates a dialogue on mechanisms for implementation and monitoring of reintegration policies and programmes. In three target IPA beneficiaries (Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia), the project implements local level programmes and tests innovative solutions for sustainable socio-economic reintegration of returnees.
The overall objective is to contribute to the effective reintegration of vulnerable returnees from the EU with particular attention to Roma. The support to Roma returnees will also contribute to reducing the existing socio-economic gap between Roma and non-Roma women, men and children.
The specific objective is to enhance capacities of Western Balkan authorities at central and local level to develop and implement effective policies and programmes for reintegration of returnees.
Major Achievements
Regional dialogue among policy makers and practitioners on sustainable reintegration of returnees continuously contributes to the recognition of the challenges returnees face and towards finding appropriate systemic solutions.
Local integration strategies developed for 9 selected municipalities from the three IPA beneficiaries foresee support actions for improved employability and social cohesion of returnees. As a result, 1,044 returnees will increase employability, 200 returnees will get employed in local companies or start their own business, while 5,400 returnees will benefit from social cohesion activities.
Capacities of local NGOs and public service providers in 9 selected municipalities increased for effective and more targeted service provision. As a result, 750 returnees will benefit from timely social services, while 210 will receive the needed psycho-social support.
Successfully piloted local-level actions and measures will inform improved policy and become models for replication at central and local level in other Western Balkan economies.
Related Materials
Download information on grantees and contractors awarded grants or contracts as part of the EU-funded, UNDP implemented "Strengthen national and local systems to support the effective socio-economic integration of returnees in the Western Balkans".
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