A partner of choice
Partnership is at the heart of everything United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) does. Alongside the government and thanks to our collaboration with all of the society (development partners, financial Institutions, foundations, private sector and civil society), UNDP can support the transition to sustainable and inclusive development in Djibouti.
Thanks to UNDP’s global experience and network, strong knowledge management and integrator role, combined with in-depth country knowledge for over 40 years and unique network across the country including in all regions, UNDP is a partner of choice for sustainable human development, with a particular focus on climate change, inequalities, and governance.
Government and local public authorities
The implementation country programme for 2018-2024 relies on the continued strong partnership with the Government and local public authorities.
Several UNDP projects are implemented nationally, under the direction of the Government and in partnership with relevant national authorities. In Djibouti, UNDP also supports the government to help them access different forms of development finance for integrated development solutions driven by Djibouti’s priorities and in line with the country program and the 2035 Agenda.
Working closely with local public authorities, UNDP promotes the participation of all community members, especially vulnerable groups, in decisions that affect their lives and those of the community.
Finally, UNDP works closely with regional authorities through the presence of regional coordinators in each region.
The UN
UNDP is working alongside its sister agencies in Djibouti to contribute to the achievement of the 2035 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
UNDP’s integrator mandate serves both as a foundation for a strong UN development system, and as a key provider of integrated services and platforms in support of a coherent UN system approach to the achievement of the sustainable development goals.
International Development partners
UNDP works with international development partners to contribute to achieve the 2035 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
While international development partners are also an important source of fundings, close collaboration to connect the dots and leverage development impact remains a priority.
International Financial Institutions
UNDP Djibouti works with International Financial Institutions such as the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank to contribute the achievement of sustainable development goals. In Djibouti, International Financial Institutions are implementing partners as well as source of fundings .
The Private Sector
While the private sector can bring both agility in delivery and new approaches to financing the sustainable development goals, the UN has an important role to play in creating an enabling environment for business to contribute.” —Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator
In Djibouti, UNDP is working with the chamber of commerce and with companies from a variety of sectors to facilitate discussions between public and private sector and the civil society, find solutions for development challenges, leverage innovative partnerships solutions for the financing and implementation of the sustainable development goals.
In 2021, UNDP Djibouti also supported the government in developing the Sustainable Development Goals Investor Map that can be used by private investors to explore the 21 investment themes identified across eight sectors that not only have significant potential to advance the SDGs, but also where government policies and national sustainable development needs intersect.
Civil Society
UNDP partners with a broad range of formal and informal civil society organizations in Djibouti. Its’s partnership with civil society actors spans multiple domains, including programmed implementation, policy development and advocacy.
Recognizing that civil society actors often serve as both a driving force in guiding development policies and as a watchdog to make sure policies get implemented, UNDP Djibouti recognizes the importance of civil society and facilitates its participation in all aspects of the implementation of the 2035 Agenda. To have a better view on the existing organization and optimize the synergies, UNDP Djibouti is developing a mapping of all associations present on the territory.
UNDP Djibouti focus on developing innovative partnerships and testing new ways of communications, inviting foundations and civil society organizations to policy discussions as well as other outreach events to encourage their participate in the 2035 development agenda.
In addition, UNDP is supporting Djibouti in the creation of a roadmap of all associations present in Djibouti city and in the regions to promote exchanges, complementarities and enhance efficiency of interventions.