Current vacancies

A group of JPOs at the Pre-departure orientation workshop in UN City, Copenhagen

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All new vacancies for Junior Professional Officer (JPO) and Specialist Development Programme (SDP) positions advertised by the UNDP JPO Service Centre are posted on this page. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to be informed of any new vacancies advertised by our partner countries. 

Please note that many other positions will be advertised by partner countries directly and may not appear on this page. Please read the page dedicated to each one in the partner countries section.


Current JPO vacancies sponsored by The Netherlands

These four JPO positions with UNFPA are sponsored by the Government of The Netherlands. While the vacancies (1) and (2) are addressed only to Dutch nationals, vacancies (3) and (4) are open only  to nationals of all Developing Countries that appear in this list of the Nedworc Foundation:

Deadline: May 23rd, 2022

(1) JPO - Programme Analyst, Humanitarian Coordination in Geneve, Switzerland. 

(2)  JPO - Programme Analyst, Programme Results-Based Management, Donor Coordination and Communications in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

(3)  JPO - Program Analyst, Humanitarian Preparedness and Response in Maputo, Mozambique

(4)  JPO - Programme Analyst, Partnerships in Cairo, Egypt
These Three (3) JPO positions with UN Women are sponsored by the Government of The Netherlands. While the vacancies (1) and (2) are addressed only to Dutch nationals, vacancy (3) is open only to nationals of all Developing Countries that appear in this list of the Nedworc Foundation:

Deadline: June 12th, 2022

(1) JPO - Policy Analyst, Women’s Economic Empowerment in Dakar, Senegal

(2) JPO - Programme Analyst, National Committees Governance and Planning in New York, USA

(3) JPO - Climate Change Analyst, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation and Risk Management, in Bangkok, Thailand

These Two (2) JPO positions with UNAIDS are sponsored by the Government of The Netherlands. While the vacancy (1) is addressed only to Dutch nationals, vacancy (2) is open only to nationals of all Developing Countries that appear in this list of the Nedworc Foundation:

Deadline: June 19th, 2022

(1) Programme Officer in Juba, South Sudan

(2) Programme Officer in Nairobi, Kenya

These Three (3) JPO positions with the World Health Organization (WHO) are sponsored by the Government of The Netherlands. While the vacancy (1) is addressed only to Dutch nationals, vacancies (2) and (3) are open only to nationals of all Developing Countries that appear in this list of the Nedworc Foundation:

Deadline: June 26th, 2022

(1) JPO - WHO Technical Officer: Child and Adolescent Health in Humanitarian Settings in Cairo, Egypt 

(2) JPO - WHO: Technical Officer, Midwifery: sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn health in Kathmandu, Nepal

(3) JPO - WHO Technical Officer: Tobacco Free Initiative, Non-Communicable Diseases in Cairo, Egypt