A Methodological Guidebook: Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR)

A Methodological Guidebook: Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR)
July 3, 2015
This Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) Methodological Guidebook seeks to equip relevant stakeholders (governments, donors, CPEIR practitioners) with information on a step-by-step process, methodologies and tools to conduct a CPEIR.
In particular, this Guidebook reviews the processes and methodologies used in the 19 CPEIRs done to date and proposes a common framework for future CPEIRs. As such, this CPEIR Methodological Guidebook provides readers with background on context, purpose, process and tools in implementing a CPEIR together with an overview of the key challenges typically faced during the CPEIR implementation.
This Guidebook recognizes that the scope, content and process for CPEIRs will differ between countries according to their needs and national circumstances. This guidebook, therefore, does not aim to be prescriptive in terms of the content of a CPEIR or the process in which it is developed. It does aim, however, to provide the basic components of a CPEIR, guidance on best practices and other practical advice for those who are faced with the task of implementing a CPEIR.
This Guidebook is developed based on experiences and lessons learned from existing CPEIRs implemented by UNDP, World Bank, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and independent CPEIR practitioners.