Hard Choices Integrated Approaches

Hard Choices Integrated Approaches
December 18, 2018
The impacts of climate change are being felt deeply across the world and threaten to undermine decades of hard won development gains. Beyond the threat to lives and livelihoods, the economic impacts are staggering. For example, it is estimated that by 2050 climate change could reduce GDP growth in some countries throughout South and South East Asia by up to 4% per annum.
Increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of how climate finance is delivered will play a key role in how people and countries can move towards realizing the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Reduction, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.
This Guidance Note serves as an introductory guide for stakeholders on how to create or refine a Climate Change Financing Framework (CCFF) – a strategic, whole-of-government plan to better manage, mobilize and target climate finance. By providing guidance on how the core elements, processes and outputs involved in a Climate Change Financing Framework fit together, this Note will assist countries to create more effective, practical, and integrated financing responses.