National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) in Sudan (2012-2016)

National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) in Sudan (2012-2016)

March 26, 2020

Sudan adopted in 1994, decentralized system of governance, operating a Federal System of government with three tiers, namely, Federal, State and Local government levels respectively. All these levels require making policies, planning development programs and carrying out monitoring of plans implementation plus evaluating progress and achievements of development plans. Timely and high quality statistics are required to address these mandates and deliver development to the people of Sudan. However, the statistical capacity needed to deliver statistical products in a sustainable basis at the various levels is weak and therefore needs upgrading. It becomes imperative to therefore design a national strategy for the development of statistics that will overhaul the systems at all levels of government that will deliver relevant, timely and high quality statistics to support the development efforts in Sudan.

Document Type
Regions and Countries