The Principle of Equality and Non-Discrimination Analysis of Case Law 2013-2020

The Principle of Equality and Non-Discrimination

The Principle of Equality and Non-Discrimination Analysis of Case Law 2013-2020

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The Principle of Equality and Non-Discrimination Analysis of Case Law 2013-2020

August 1, 2022

Purpose: The analysis of case law aims to study cases and draw substantive conclusions as to how certain legal norms are interpreted and applied by the court.

It also aims to bring to the attention of judges, legal professionals, equality bodies, researchers, law students and any other interested actors, a structured thematic analysis of case law 2013-2020 on the constitutional principle of equality and non-discrimination. Moreover, the study aims to identify ways of interpreting and applying in practice the provisions of Law No. 10 221, dated 04.02.2010 "On protection from discrimination", as amended, challenges or even the need for a comprehensive dialogue among stakeholders interested in harmonization of legislation, unification of case law if necessary, or intensification of awareness and training of judges on international standards and best practices in this regard.

The analysis of case law is in the interest of the judicial system, as the main purpose of this analysis is to promote standardization and increase quality of law enforcement, as well as the development of legal thought, by creating a sound basis for collaborative practices for effective justice and increasing public confidence.