Zimbabwe: Legal Environment Assesment for HIV, TB, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

Zimbabwe: Legal Environment Assesment for HIV, TB, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
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June 18, 2019
The Legal Environment Assesment (LEA) for HIV, TB and Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights report is focused on identifying and examining all important legal and human rights issues affecting in particular people living with HIV, people with tuberculosis (TB) and those at higher risk of HIV exposure, such as key and affected populations – women, young people, gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers, prisoners, persons with disabilities and people who inject drugs.
An in-depth assessment of the key HIV law and human rights issues was conducted with an analysis of the extent to which existing laws and policies and those in the process of development are able to respond to these issues.
- Vulnerable populations are at greater risk of HIV and/ or experience increased impact of HIV, AIDS and poor health, due to their vulnerability linked to gaps in laws, policies and practices
- Stigma and discrimination remain a key concern. HIV-related stigma and discrimination linked to gaps in laws, policies, practices, and religious and cultural beliefs were found to exacerbate the negative impact of HIV.
- Although protective provisions in the law and policies were identified, several laws are not in alignment with the Constitution and further, do not specifically deal with HIV, AIDS, TB health status, or the various inequalities and human rights violations experienced by people living with HIV, vulnerable populations and key populations.