Integrated Water Resources Management to Enhance Resilience of Agriculture (ERA) and Food Security

Project Summary

This project aims to address development challenges in Yemen, including food insecurity, water scarcity, and conflict, through the enhancement of livelihood resilience. The objective is to develop and rehabilitate water infrastructure to improve water availability for sustainable agriculture and support the income generation of disadvantaged Yemenis. The project is implemented in Taiz and Lahj governorates, focusing on Al-Mawaset, Al-Selw, Al-Mosaymer, and Tuban districts, in partnership with relevant ministries, water user associations, and community committees. Key outcomes include enhanced livelihood resilience and agricultural production, improved water governance, and active community involvement in decision-making processes.

Activities will include data collection, assessments, workshops, infrastructure rehabilitation and construction, and the implementation of food processing support and initiatives. The project targets a total of 70,569 beneficiaries, with special attention given to women, to ensure inclusivity and sustainable development. Through this project, the aim is to create a more stable and prosperous Yemen by empowering communities and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.


  • Improve agricultural production through sustainable water supply and management based on Integrated Water Resource Management principles.
  • Enhance food security and livelihood opportunities by creating economic opportunities.
  • Strengthen capacities of community and public organisations to address water supply and food security challenges.

Gender Empowerment

During this project, women’s capabilities will be evaluated, and they will be supported with various trainings to benefit from economic opportunities, including sessions focused on technical and soft skills. Opportunities provided will be gender sensitive, i.e., match women’s aspirations and ideas for enhancing the value of their products. 

Expected results:

  • Improve water availability through infrastructure development and rehabilitation for water harvesting. 
  • Increase agricultural production for target groups by enhancing water storage, improved distribution, and demand-managed access. 
  • High-level water balance assessment for Wadi Tuban to understand water flow between governorates. 
  • Four detailed hydrological analyses and water allocation plans for selected sub-catchments. 
  • Improve income opportunities for vulnerable groups, women, and Internally Displaced Persons through value-added processed food production, micro-businesses and market accessibility.
  • Strengthen institutional capacity of Water User Associations/Water Committees and National Water Resources Authority on infrastructure management/maintenance, water monitoring, conflict resolution, etc depending on the gap analysis. 
  • Increase participation of women in water resource management and decision making through  customized trainings on technical and soft skills and developing needed regulatory tools.


Inception Activities

  • Introductory meetings: Introductory meetings have been held with key ministries, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries (MoAIF) and Ministry of Water and Environment (MoWE), as well as the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) to introduce the project objectives, activities, and agree on coordination mechanisms. 
  • Kickoff workshop: A kickoff workshop was held in Aden on the 20th of December 2023, with a total of 47 participants representing MoAIF, MoWE, and their affiliated bodies at the national, governorate, and district levels. The kick-off workshop provided an overview of the project including objectives, timeline, activities, deliverables, coordination mechanisms, and roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders. 
  • Inception workshops in target districts of Taiz and Lahj governorates:  Four inception workshops were held in the two governorates in February and March 2024 targeting a total of 142 participants. The workshops provided a comprehensive overview of the project's objectives, timeline, activities, deliverables, coordination mechanisms, and roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders. Additionally, the workshops also served as the second level of assessment, where potential interventions were identified for each sub-district based on specific criteria that align with the project scope and indicators. 



October 2023


October 2026














Full Project information