Fishery Harbour Rehabilitation and Value Chain Development in Aden

Project Summary

The Fishery Harbour Rehabilitation and Value Chain Development in Aden Project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), through the German Development Bank (KFW), and aims to improve the economic situation of Yemen’s population, including access to food. The project will rehabilitate the fish harbour at Hajif, to restore the minimum requirements for re-launching operations, productivity and ensuring effective management of the harbour.

The project will contribute to employment creation, especially for youth and women, and mobilise fish value chain actors whose livelihoods depend on fish production and processing, but have been greatly affected by the conflict. The project will also contribute to peacebuilding by helping to rebuild trust and confidence in the government.


  • Improvement of the economic situation of the population, especially of women in the fisheries sector of Aden.
  • Quantitative and qualitative improvement of the food situation for the population.

Gender Empowerment

Women play an important role in the fisheries sector. The project will help to reduce gender inequalities in the sector by providing job opportunities for women, supporting women's organisations, and involving women in decision-making. The project will also ensure that gender and social safeguards are mainstreamed in all activities. 

Expected results:

The project has three main outputs: 

  1. Output 1: Priority infrastructure and facilities of the Aden fishery harbour are rehabilitated and equipped, ensuring their effective functioning. 

    Key activities:
    • Rehabilitate key selected facilities such as quay (553m), the ice plant, cold storage (1000 tons), the fish processing center and facilities, the administrative building and warehouses (7 units), the powersystems, and replacement of the exit gate. 
    • Procure key equipment to repair/re-activate the quality control lab, cooling and processing facilities, forklifts (4), laboratory equipment and weighing equipment.
    • Repair and install effective water drainage and sanitation systems,including a sewage system and firefighting system.
  2. Output 2: Improved management capacities for an effective and sustainable operation of the harbour.

    Key activities:
    • Conduct capacity needs assessment and define capacity development priorities in consultation with the General Authority for Fisheries (GAF), GAF branch authorities and the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries Wealth, cooperatives and the private sector. 
    • Establish organizational structures, roles and staffing requirements for the AFH. 
    • Undertake capacity development for national staff (institutions, fishery cooperatives, and the private sector) to address immediate and long-term institutional and technical capacity requirements. 
    • Develop an operations and maintenance strategy for AFH infrastructure and facilities with an action plan for sustainable harbour operation and management. 
    • Review policies and regulations related to the fisheries harbour and develop informed guidelines and regulations for effective management of AFH. 
    • Develop and operationalize a climate resilience and safeguards framework (social, environmental, and occupational health) to ensure compliance within the harbour operations on sanitation, hygiene, and quality control, including waste control and management. 
    • Develop safeguard and pollution control systems and measures to reduce risks to acceptable and manageable levels of pollution from sources and ensure marine environment protection. 
    • Develop an inclusive mechanism for sustainable AFH revenue-based resources mobilization, management, and benefit sharing. 
  3. Output 3: Improved employment opportunities for women and youth in the fishing community and value chain. 

    Key activities:
    • Conduct a needs assessment of the Aden-based fishery value chain with emphasis on women and youth actors. 
    • Undertake capacity building for AFH area fishers, cooperatives and associations with a package of training modules on fish quality control, hygiene and sanitation, business management and marketing skills, environmental and community resources management.
    • Support the women and youth from within the fisheries harbour of Aden area with fisheries inputs and integrate them into the fish value chain to improve their livelihoods. 


  • Preparatory studies and coordination have been completed to implement the project effectively.
  • A needs assessment has been conducted for the Aden Fishery Harbour.



January 2023


December 2025






United Nations Development Programme



MPTF-MWI SDG Acceleration Fund







Full Project information