Transformation of Organized Industrial Zones in Türkiye: Design and Establishment of Yalova Makine İhtisas OIZ Innovation Center


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Transformation of Organized Industrial Zones in Türkiye: Design and Establishment of Yalova Makine İhtisas OIZ Innovation Center

August 8, 2022


With the establishment of the Yalova Makine İhtisas Innovation Center, it is aimed that the OIZ and the regional innovation system will become the industry and technology base and increase the competitiveness of the companies. The book “Transformation of Organized Industrial Zones in Türkiye: Design and Establishment of Yalova Makine İhtisas OIZ Innovation Center” contributes to the development and strengthening of reports and studies in the field with the pilot implementations and the feedbacks of both the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and the ecosystem actors. This publication has been prepared within the framework of the "Technology Development in OIZs" project supported by the Presidency's Strategy and Budget Department and implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology and UNDP.

Document Type
Regions and Countries