“I Can Manage My Business” programme meets SMEs in Malatya
December 8, 2022

Organized to equip SMEs with knowledge and skills, the “I Can Manage My Business” programme’s recent event in Malatya was hosted by FIRATSIFED and attended by representatives of SMEs, public agencies and civil society.
Focusing on equipping SMEs with knowledge and skills to realize their potential, “I Can Manage My Business” continued its face-to-face training sessions in Malatya. Subject-matter experts delivered training on topics such as international trade and e-export, e-commerce and marketplaces, green transformation, digital marketing and access to finance.
Malatya, 8 December 2022 – Launched in 2019 by the partnership of Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TÜRKONFED), Visa and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with support of 30 banks and e-money institutions, “I Can Manage My Business” programme continues to reach the business world through comprehensive training sessions.
Organized to equip SMEs with knowledge and skills, the programme’s recent event in Malatya was hosted by the Federation of Industry and Business Associations of Euphrates (FIRATSIFED) and attended by representatives of SMEs, public agencies and civil society.
Süleyman Sönmez: “We should focus on the potential of our SMEs”
Noting that Türkiye is undergoing a rapid and comprehensive transformation as is the entire world, Süleyman Sönmez, Chair of TÜRKONFED Executive Board, said: “We are in the process of a triple transformation that we call 3Ts that is digital transformation, green transformation and societal transformation. Production, supply chains, commerce and competition are all re-constructed in the framework of creative innovation brought on by the digital transformation, sustainability-based business practices brought to the forefront by the green transformation and a human-centred economic approach induced by the societal transformation. We believe that we can successfully realize such transformation and achieve our goals if the focus is placed on the potential of our Anatolia and SMEs which we view as the driving force of sustainable development.”
“Malatya is a star city of production and value in its region”
Expressing that Malatya continued to serve for ages as a strategic, economic and cultural bridge between the East Anatolia, Mediterranean and Central Anatolia, Mr. Sönmez continued: “Embellishing its historical heritage by modern-day success, Malatya has become a star city of production and value in its region. In addition to its world famous apricot-based agriculture sector, our city stands out also by its textiles, food and mining sectors and contributes significantly to our country’s path to Türkiye of Our Dreams.”
Mr. Sönmez emphasized the importance of enhancing high value-added exports through the use of high technology by SMEs, and added “We, through the ‘I Can Manage My Business’ programme, support our SMEs on their journey of revitalization and rejuvenation. Those SMEs which can manage their businesses will set the direction for our future, create high productivity by a multiplier effect from production to exports, and take up our country to a position of significance in the global league.”
Prof. Yasemin Açık: “New OIZs await investing firms”
Prof. Yasemin Açık, Chair of FIRATSIFED Executive Board, provided information on the business life in Malatya as well as the needs and expectations of the region. Noting that the provincial economy was grounded on the apricot production that brought in exports revenues of 400 million USD annually, Prof. Açık said “Producing for top brands of our country and the world in addition to producing apricot, Malatya must now create its own brands as well. On the other hand, priority issues include the development of industries, agriculture and tourism, and development of the city. And particularly, Malatya Darende OIZ and Akcadag Specialized Marble OIZ where infrastructure works are underway are awaiting investing firms.”
Expressing that if the focus were placed on identifying problems and formulating solutions through a multidisciplinary approach, significant contributions could be made to the city and region, Prof. Açık underlined that activities and training programmes under the ‘I Can Manage My Business’ programme have benefitted SMEs.
Training programmes enhancing SME knowledge and skills
The training event in Malatya featured seminars by academicians and professionals who were subject-matter experts: “Importance of Green Transformation for SMEs” by Erman Fenerci, S360 Strategy and ESG Management Consultant; “e-Commerce and Marketplaces” by Ahmet Ethem Durul, Senior Manager of Field Sales at Hepsiburada Pazaryeri Türkiye; “Digital Marketing” by Azade Özaltun, Corporate Communications Director of TransferChain; “Cycle of Core Operations of Enterprises/Access to Finance” by Prof. Serhat Yanık, a faculty member of Political Sciences Faculty of Istanbul University; “International Trade and e-Export” by Meltem Polat, Director of International Sales and Business Development of Vakko.
In three years, around 4,000 SMEs were reached
In the first three years of the programme, around 4,000 SMEs were reached by training sessions on finance, digital marketing, e-trade, management strategies and branding in line with SME needs. The programme also included assistance in digitalization, coaching and mentoring in areas as needed by SMEs, with over 300 SMEs receiving consultancy on e-trade, e-export infrastructure and digital marketing. The training content is reinforced by addition of international trade and e-export, and also green transformation by funding support from Akbank.
Following the event in Malatya, the “I Can Manage My Business” programme will organize one more face-to-face event in another province in the first quarter of 2023. The goal is to reach 1,000 more SME representatives through such events and the training system which includes online training content under six themes in 79 videos.
For more information:
Bahar Paykoç, UNDP Türkiye, bahar.paykoc@undp.org
Zişan Eda Gökalp, TÜRKONFED Corporate Communications Specialist, egokalp@turkonfed.org / www.turkonfed.org / info@turkonfed.org