Maritime SDG Acc
In December 2021, 8 maritime companies completed a 6-months UNDP Maritime SDG Accelerator focusing on sustainable innovation related to the SDG targets and specifically the green transition. The Maritime SDG Accelerator is a partnership between UNDP and the industry association Danish Maritime and funded by the Danish Maritime Foundation.
From June to December 2021, in partnership with the Danish industry association Danish Maritime, UNDP implemented the Maritime SDG Accelerator – a program for 8 established maritime suppliers working across the maritime value chain. Through the process, the 8 companies have developed commercially viable SDG-business solutions, tackling different aspects of the green transition in the maritime industry. Key aspects have included decarbonisation, clean water, circular economy, and energy efficiency – all issues that require systematic solutions.
As part of the process and in collaboration with the commercial vendor and venture-building firm Rainmaking Innovation, the companies have received support and green growth instruments enabling them to adjust their business models and/or develop a new green product addressing challenges under the SDG targets.
The aim of the accelerator has not only been to develop 8 tangible SDG-business solutions delivering on strategic innovation, but also to inspire the maritime community and strengthen their capacity to augment their positive impact on the SDGs.
Key outputs of the Maritime SDG Accelerator:
8 tangible SDG business solutions – access cases here and showcase videos here
Deeper understanding of the value of partnerships in achieving the SDGs and the green transition in the industry
Capacity building of key players in the maritime industry including Danish Maritime, who will continue to push for a sustainable and innovative industry through its counselling and dialogue with member companies
Establishment of an industry working group on sustainability standards and impact management and measurement for maritime suppliers
Experience with deploying a structured business development process that can be applied to further innovation work in each of the companies
Input on the SDGs to the companies’ business strategy
Read more about the 8 companies: Viking Life-Saving Equipment, MAN Energy Solutions, Scanel International, Insatech, Rohde Nielsen, PJ Diesel Engineering, Fayard, and Danish Maritime.
Learn more about the SDG Accelerator service offer at
Contact Information
Cecilie Lykkegaard, Danish Maritime, +45 31 60 85 91,
Stine Kirstein Junge, UNDP, +45 35 46 71 58,