Our strategic alliances and partnerships
UNDP equipped the sectorial and regional courts of Guinea-Bissau with 30 motorcycles to ensure that officials are able to visit remote communities and provide the required services.
The Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team maintains a wide range of strategic alliances and partnerships in support of a development approach to the promotion and protection of the rule of law and human rights.
Through the Global Programme, the team leads and participates in UN system-wide partnerships to ensure greater coherence, coordination and complementarity of work in support of the One-UN approach and the humanitarian-development-peace nexus or Triple Nexus.
The team brings its convening power and thought leadership to its collaborations with a range of UN and non-UN actors to advocate for stronger political commitments to the achievement of strengthened rule of law, justice, security and human rights.
In Phase IV, the Global Programme continues to strengthen its existing partnerships and build new synergistic partnerships and coalitions at all levels to advance its programmatic goals and work in emerging areas.

Inaugural session of the Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic
Global Focal Point for the Rule of Law
The Global Focal Point for the Rule of Law (GFP) reinforces the One-UN approach at the global and national levels to addressing violent conflicts, protecting human rights and restoring justice and security for people affected by conflict. It is co-chaired by UNDP and DPO and includes as partners UN Women, OHCHR, UNODC, PBSO, DPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOPS, and the UN Team of Experts on Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict. The Global Programme is positioned as the funding vehicle that enables the GFP to deliver both at the headquarters and country context levels.
Read moreGender Justice Platform
The Gender Justice Platform where UNDP and UN Women work together to increase access to justice for the most vulnerable women and girls by addressing their immediate justice needs while also investing in strengthening the institutional effectiveness and accountability of the justice system and the legislative framework. With the support from The Netherlands and Germany, the platform collaborates with more than 20 UN and external partners and empowers women to know their rights and have access to fair, people-centred justice services, particularly in contexts affected by conflict, crisis and fragility.
Read moreSALIENT: Saving Lives Entity
The Saving Lives Entity (SALIENT) is global project dedicated to supporting Member States in tackling armed violence and illicit small arms and light weapons. Implemented in partnership between UNDP and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), SALIENT started in 2021 in Cameroon, Jamaica and South Sudan. SALIENT is financially housed in the UN Peacebuilding Fund with contributions from the governments of Finland, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden and Switzerland.
Read moreThe Tripartite Partnership to Support National Human Rights Institutions
The Tripartite Partnership (TTP) to Support National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), involving UNDP, OHCHR and the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), is a unique platform that harnesses the collective strengths and comparative advantages of each partner to provide coherent support to NHRIs around the world. Through the delivery of catalytic funding, substantive assistance, and partnership support, the TPP invests in strategic initiatives to build the capacity of NHRIs and their regional networks to increase fulfilment of human rights for all people. The TPP is operationalized and underwritten by UNDP's Global Programme for Strengthening the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Justice, and Security for Sustainable Peace and Development and receives dedicated support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Read moreUNDP-UNHCR Partnership on Local Governance and the Rule of Law
UNDP and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) partner to advance the rights of refugees, returnees, IDPs and stateless persons. Through joint humanitarian and development approaches, the partners respond to the most pressing justice and security needs of these vulnerable populations while supporting the capacities of national actors to better respond to forced displacement situations in a people-centred, inclusive and sustainable manner.
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Regional Bureaux
Country Offices
Global Policy Network
Human Rights Action Platform — UNDP Human Rights Strategy
Chief Digital Office — UNDP Digital Strategy
Communities of Practice
United Nations Development Coordination Office (DCO)
United Nations Department of Pece Operations (DPO) and Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPA)
United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG)
United Nations Global Focal Point
United Nations Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) — Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & Inter-Agency Task Force (IASSRTF)
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Team of Experts: Conflict-related Sexual Violence (CRSV)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UN Women
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
United Nations Common Agenda
United Nations Secretary General's Call to Action for Human Rights
United Nations Rule of Law Vision
Financial partners
National implementing partners
International non-governmental organization (INGO) partners
Regional entities
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
World Bank
Business associations & private sector entities
Justice Action Coalition
Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HiiL)
Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) regional networks