The Future of Human Rights Due Diligence

What to Expect in Japan and in Global Supply Chains: The Role of NAP and SMEs

January 20, 2025
Future of HRDD in Japan event banner
Event Details

February 7, 2025

13:00-17:00 JST

HYBRID: U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University and Zoom Webinar

For event information in Japanese

We are delighted to announce UNDP will organize the public event “The Future of Human Rights Due Diligence: What to Expect in Japan and in Global Supply Chains – The Role of NAP and SMEs” as below with the partnership between UNDP and the Government of Japan under “Promoting Responsible Business Conduct in target countries where Japanese companies operate, with a particular focus on promoting human rights due diligence in global supply chains and leveraging the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”

Since the endorsement of the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) in 2011, sates have strived to implement the UNGPs by implementing National Action Plan (NAP) and various legislative measurements to make human rights due diligence (HRDD) enforceable accordingly. Japan's NAP formulated in September 2020 is currently undergoing review to determine the subsequent course of action. The NAP has notably contributed to advancing the discourse on business and human rights within Japan and on a broader international scale. Consistent with the directives outlined in the NAP, respective ministries have undertaken concrete measures to implement the UNGPs. During its tenure as the chair of the Group of Seven (G7) in 2023, the Japanese government convened discussions with global leaders aimed at fostering more sustainable supply chains aligned with the UNGPs.

In this context, it is essential to share experiences related to the discussion, implementation, and review of NAPs across different jurisdictions, ensuring that these NAPs can serve as a solid policy foundation. Moreover, since the UNGPs require all companies to conduct HRDD irrespective of their size, ensuring the preparedness of SMEs will ultimately impact the resilience of supply chains, taking into account unique characteristics that may not be familiar to multinational enterprises (MNEs).

Focusing on NAPs and SMEs, this event will share current efforts and discuss the way forward for more robust implementation of human rights due diligence, including overseas. We look forward to seeing you there!


In-person registration     Virtual registration


Date and time: Friday, 7 February 2025 | 13:00-17:00 JST
Venue: U Thant International Conference Hall, The United Nations University
Online: zoom webinar
Co-hosts: UNDP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan 
Supporters: the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, the Ministry of Justice Research and Training Institute, Keidanren, IDE-JETRO, and the UN Global Compact Network Japan.

*Simultaneous translation in English and Japanese will be provided.


13:00-13:20 Opening Remarks

̶  H.E. Naohiro Tsutsumi, Ambassador for Human Rights and International Peace and Stability, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
̶  Shoko Noda, UN Assistant Secretary General, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the Crisis Bureau


13:20-13:30 Presentation on project activities and outcome

Presented by Akiko Sato, Business and Human Rights Project Liaison Officer, UNDP


13:30-13:40 Presentation on Japan’s NAP

Presented by Sotaro Ozaki, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Division, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan


13:40-15:10 Session 1: The role of NAP for promoting Business and Human Rights

Moderated by Livio Sarandrea, Business and Human Rights Global Policy Advisor, UNDP

̶  Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, Member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights  
̶  Yoshihisa Masaki, Director, Social Communiction Bureau, Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN) 
̶  Miwa Yamada, Chief Senior Researcher, Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, IDE-JETRO 
̶  Dr. Harniati, Expert Staff for Civil, Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural Fields, Ministry of Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia 
̶  Azamatova Zhainagul, Head of the Department of Business Environment Policy, Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Kyrgyz Republic 


15:10-15:20 Break


15:20-16:50 Session 2: Developing human rights due diligence among SMEs

Moderated by Akiko Sato, UNDP

̶  Motoko Ogawa, Director, Business and Human Rights Policy Office, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 
̶  Kenichi Tomiyoshi, Executive Vice president, Japan Textile Federation
̶  Yuki Yamada, Director, Sustainability Planning Department, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
̶  Ryusuke Tanaka, Program Officer, ILO


16:50-17:00 Closing Remarks

̶  Hideko Hadzialic, Director UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo