UNDP Papua New Guinea country office gets recognized for its achievements in upholding gender equality at the workplace

UNDP Papua New Guinea has received silver level certification for gender equality mainstreaming within its country office

November 1, 2023

The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate standard for gender equality that organizations can qualify for and be benchmarked against to receive certification in accordance with best practices on gender equality inside an organization.

Earlier this month, UNDP Papua New Guinea was recognized with silver level certification based on the standards set by the policy. The country office received a final score of 73%, which is a great improvement from the baseline of 40.5% in 2021.

The country office's journey towards achieving the silver seal has involved a number of initiatives, including developing a Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan for 2023-2025, conducting gender capacity buildings and training for all staff members, and integrating gender equality into all aspects of the country office's work, including programming, operations, and human resources management. 

These initiatives have helped to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for the staff members, regardless of gender. They have also led to a stronger focus on gender equality in the UNDP Papua New Guinea's programming and partnerships.

“All of us in UNDP Papua new Guinea should take pride in this achievement, which reflects the commitment and dedication of all our staff. Our new Country Programme Document has an outcome focused on gender equality, and I am convinced that we will keep up this commitment and momentum,” stated UNDP Resident Representative in Papua New Guinea, Mr. Nicholas Booth, after hearing the news of the country office receiving the seal.

“I am proud to work for an organization that is committed to gender equality. The Gender Seal journey has helped us to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for all staff,” added Ms. Doe Kwarara, a Project Administrative and Finance Associate working for UNDP Papua New Guinea's "Creating Conditions for Peace in PNG Highlands" project. 

UNDP Papua New Guinea's experience demonstrates the importance of teamwork and a whole-of-office approach in achieving gender equality. By working together, staff are able to create a more supportive work environment and to integrate gender equality into all aspects of our work.

Here's to achieving gold in 2024!