Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report and Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Hybrid system (Pico Hydro and Solar PV backup) in Nambaranguit

Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report and Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Hybrid system (Pico Hydro and Solar PV backup) in Nambaranguit
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DownloadEnvironment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report and Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Hybrid system (Pico Hydro and Solar PV backup) in Nambaranguit
January 30, 2024
The overall objective of the Vanuatu Green Transformation (VGET) project is to contribute to the goal of the Government of Vanuatu to achieve the National Energy Road Map (NERM), i.e., 100% electrification with Renewable Energy by 2030 by the installation of eight (08) Pico hydro projects which is directly linked to the country’s NDC target. The project intends to directly benefit 2,366 individuals comprising of 1,260 male and 1,106 females respectively. In addition, the project aims to also indirectly benefit 6,000 individuals comprising of 3,350 males and 2,650 females.
The Project is funded by the Government of Japan and is being implemented by UNDP Fiji MCO with overall coordination and technical management support from the regional project management unit based in Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH).
The focus of the Project is on the islands of Pentecost, Maewo, Santo, Malekula and Gaua. The UNDP Social Environment Screening Procedure (SESP) has categorized the overall Project as ‘Moderate Risk’ however, based on an understanding that the Project (in the country) is being planned to be developed in areas inhabited by indigenous and vulnerable communities, site specific Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) studies are required to be developed for four (04) identified areas which have completed the Detailed Designed stage. This report details the ESIA study of the Hybrid system comprising Pico Hydro and Solar PV project in Nambaranguit.